Residue arrangements in query structure similar to a known drug binding site

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List of both hits (LHS and RHS side by side) :   List of hits

List of all hits (combinations of RHS and LHS hits):   List of hits

List of hits for lefthanded superpositions :   List of hits

List of hits for righthanded superpositions :   List of hits

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A quick guide to understanding left handed / right handed superpositions

Left-handed superposition (LHS)
Right-handed superposition (RHS)

The server separates left-handed and right-handed superposition of query patterns with the respective hit patterns (residue arrangements for known drug binding sites).

Protein structures, commonly with alpha helices, adopt either left-handed or right-handed conformations that is varied by a rotation of 180°. At the atomic level, the chemical activity posed by conserved functional sites could be the same despite the difference of conformational form taken by different structures containing the conserved functional sites.

Upon superposition of the hits with the query patterns, the residues may not be able to aligned properly if both are of different orientation (left-handed or right-handed) despite having similar arrangements of identical residues, e.g. GLU-LEU-PHE-ILE arrangement present in both patterns, unless the patterns are oriented in the same manner through rotation. Thus, left-handed superposition and right-handed superposition are treated differently because both results could be important to gain insights regarding functional similarities between matched structures.

You may choose to select all hits from both left-handed and right-handed superpositions or select either one.