List of similar pattern of amino acids derived from ASSAM searchHit | Macromolecule/ Organism |
Pfam | Res. | Interface | HETATM | RMSD | Dali Z-score | Seq. Identity (%) | View | Dock | |
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 1a0r | PHOSDUCIN (Bos taurus) |
PF02114(Phosducin) | 4 | ILE P 136GLY P 194TYR P 192GLU P 130 | None | 1.10A | 6gqiA-1a0rP:1.2 | 6gqiA-1a0rP:17.16 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 1ccw | PROTEIN (GLUTAMATEMUTASE) (Clostridiumcochlearium) |
PF06368(Met_asp_mut_E) | 4 | ILE B 211GLY B 202TYR B 204GLU B 205 | None | 0.91A | 6gqiA-1ccwB:0.4 | 6gqiA-1ccwB:22.74 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 1dgp | ARISTOLOCHENESYNTHASE (Penicilliumroqueforti) |
no annotation | 4 | ILE A 190GLY A 194TYR A 196GLU A 192 | None | 0.81A | 6gqiA-1dgpA:undetectable | 6gqiA-1dgpA:20.53 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 1fps | FARNESYL DIPHOSPHATESYNTHASE (Gallus gallus) |
PF00348(polyprenyl_synt) | 4 | ILE A 255GLY A 250TYR A 252GLU A 251 | None | 1.11A | 6gqiA-1fpsA:0.0 | 6gqiA-1fpsA:20.69 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 1gtk | PORPHOBILINOGENDEAMINASE (Escherichiacoli) |
PF01379(Porphobil_deam)PF03900(Porphobil_deamC) | 4 | PRO A 266ILE A 271GLY A 268GLU A 138 | None | 1.08A | 6gqiA-1gtkA:0.9 | 6gqiA-1gtkA:20.66 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 1j5y | TRANSCRIPTIONALREGULATOR, BIOTINREPRESSOR FAMILY (Thermotogamaritima) |
PF02829(3H)PF08279(HTH_11) | 4 | PRO A 106ILE A 111GLY A 109TYR A 108 | None | 1.04A | 6gqiA-1j5yA:0.0 | 6gqiA-1j5yA:16.05 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 1jmt | SPLICING FACTOR U2AF35 KDA SUBUNITSPLICING FACTOR U2AF65 KDA SUBUNIT (Homo sapiens;Homo sapiens) |
PF00076(RRM_1)no annotation | 4 | PRO B 95TRP A 134ILE B 102GLY B 98 | NoneNoneHEZ B 201 ( 4.7A)None | 1.14A | 6gqiA-1jmtB:undetectable | 6gqiA-1jmtB:3.88 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 1l3i | PRECORRIN-6YMETHYLTRANSFERASE/PUTATIVE DECARBOXYLASE (Methanothermobacterthermautotrophicus) |
PF13847(Methyltransf_31) | 4 | PRO A 16ILE A 2GLY A 46GLU A 50 | SAH A 801 (-4.3A)NoneSAH A 801 (-3.2A)None | 1.02A | 6gqiA-1l3iA:3.7 | 6gqiA-1l3iA:16.91 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 1mc8 | FLAP ENDONUCLEASE-1 (Pyrococcushorikoshii) |
PF00752(XPG_N)PF00867(XPG_I) | 4 | PRO A 145ILE A 326GLY A 143GLU A 294 | None | 1.06A | 6gqiA-1mc8A:undetectable | 6gqiA-1mc8A:20.33 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 1oaz | THIOREDOXIN 1 (Escherichiacoli) |
PF00085(Thioredoxin) | 4 | PRO A 34TRP A 31ILE A 74GLY A 88 | None | 1.10A | 6gqiA-1oazA:undetectable | 6gqiA-1oazA:12.73 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 1obh | LEUCYL-TRNASYNTHETASE (Thermusthermophilus) |
PF00133(tRNA-synt_1)PF08264(Anticodon_1)PF13603(tRNA-synt_1_2)PF14795(Leucyl-specific) | 4 | PRO A 42ILE A 105GLY A 78GLU A 124 | LMS A1817 (-4.1A)NoneNoneNone | 0.93A | 6gqiA-1obhA:undetectable | 6gqiA-1obhA:22.47 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 1wch | PROTEIN TYROSINEPHOSPHATASE,NON-RECEPTOR TYPE 13 (Homo sapiens) |
PF00102(Y_phosphatase) | 4 | PRO A2255ILE A2231GLY A2261TYR A2262 | None | 1.11A | 6gqiA-1wchA:undetectable | 6gqiA-1wchA:20.95 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 1xb2 | ELONGATION FACTORTS, MITOCHONDRIAL (Bos taurus) |
PF00889(EF_TS) | 4 | PRO B 315ILE B 307GLY B 310TYR B 312 | None | 1.11A | 6gqiA-1xb2B:undetectable | 6gqiA-1xb2B:20.15 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 1xe0 | NUCLEOPHOSMIN (Xenopus laevis) |
PF03066(Nucleoplasmin) | 4 | PRO A 99ILE A 101GLY A 66GLU A 65 | None | 1.06A | 6gqiA-1xe0A:undetectable | 6gqiA-1xe0A:12.97 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 1yb6 | (S)-ACETONE-CYANOHYDRIN LYASE (Heveabrasiliensis) |
PF00561(Abhydrolase_1) | 4 | PRO A 60ILE A 51TYR A 57GLU A 56 | None | 1.07A | 6gqiA-1yb6A:2.0 | 6gqiA-1yb6A:19.63 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 1ybe | NICOTINATEPHOSPHORIBOSYLTRANSFERASE (Agrobacteriumtumefaciens) |
PF04095(NAPRTase) | 4 | PRO A 317ILE A 319GLY A 321GLU A 323 | None | 1.12A | 6gqiA-1ybeA:undetectable | 6gqiA-1ybeA:21.70 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 2a5y | APOPTOSIS REGULATORCED-9 (Caenorhabditiselegans) |
PF00452(Bcl-2)PF02180(BH4) | 4 | TRP A 221ILE A 80GLY A 82GLU A 81 | None | 0.96A | 6gqiA-2a5yA:undetectable | 6gqiA-2a5yA:17.16 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 2buc | DIPEPTIDYL PEPTIDASEIV (Sus scrofa) |
PF00326(Peptidase_S9)PF00930(DPPIV_N) | 4 | ILE A 594GLY A 549TYR A 670GLU A 602 | None | 1.13A | 6gqiA-2bucA:undetectable | 6gqiA-2bucA:21.68 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 2d5l | DIPEPTIDYLAMINOPEPTIDASE IV,PUTATIVE (Porphyromonasgingivalis) |
PF00326(Peptidase_S9)PF00930(DPPIV_N) | 4 | ILE A 567GLY A 520TYR A 643GLU A 575 | None | 0.95A | 6gqiA-2d5lA:undetectable | 6gqiA-2d5lA:21.21 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 2f5t | ARCHAEALTRANSCRIPTIONALREGULATOR TRMB (Thermococcuslitoralis) |
PF11495(Regulator_TrmB) | 4 | ILE X 336GLY X 291TYR X 273GLU X 275 | None | 1.11A | 6gqiA-2f5tX:undetectable | 6gqiA-2f5tX:18.98 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 2fg9 | 5-NITROIMIDAZOLEANTIBIOTICRESISTANCE PROTEIN (Bacteroidesthetaiotaomicron) |
PF12900(Pyridox_ox_2) | 4 | TRP A 139ILE A 58GLY A 52GLU A 54 | None | 1.06A | 6gqiA-2fg9A:undetectable | 6gqiA-2fg9A:15.29 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 2gmh | ELECTRON TRANSFERFLAVOPROTEIN-UBIQUINONE OXIDOREDUCTASE (Sus scrofa) |
PF05187(ETF_QO)PF13450(NAD_binding_8) | 4 | TRP A 246ILE A 481GLY A 322GLU A 321 | None | 1.04A | 6gqiA-2gmhA:7.4 | 6gqiA-2gmhA:20.90 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 2hh9 | THIAMINPYROPHOSPHOKINASE (Candidaalbicans) |
PF04263(TPK_catalytic)PF04265(TPK_B1_binding) | 4 | PRO A 107ILE A 132GLY A 129GLU A 126 | None | 0.83A | 6gqiA-2hh9A:undetectable | 6gqiA-2hh9A:19.48 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 2lol | ACYL CARRIER PROTEIN (Rickettsiaprowazekii) |
PF00550(PP-binding) | 4 | ILE A 50GLY A 55TYR A 54GLU A 51 | None | 1.02A | 6gqiA-2lolA:undetectable | 6gqiA-2lolA:10.02 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 2oae | DIPEPTIDYL PEPTIDASE4 (Rattusnorvegicus) |
PF00326(Peptidase_S9)PF00930(DPPIV_N) | 4 | ILE A 595GLY A 550TYR A 671GLU A 603 | None | 1.06A | 6gqiA-2oaeA:undetectable | 6gqiA-2oaeA:20.33 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 2pbg | 6-PHOSPHO-BETA-D-GALACTOSIDASE (Lactococcuslactis) |
PF00232(Glyco_hydro_1) | 4 | PRO A 175TRP A 34TYR A 42GLU A 39 | None | 1.08A | 6gqiA-2pbgA:undetectable | 6gqiA-2pbgA:22.38 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 2pft | EXOCYTOSIS PROTEIN (Mus musculus) |
PF03081(Exo70) | 4 | ILE A 100GLY A 114TYR A 112GLU A 111 | None | 1.08A | 6gqiA-2pftA:undetectable | 6gqiA-2pftA:20.85 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 2ps2 | PUTATIVE MANDELATERACEMASE/MUCONATELACTONIZING ENZYME (Aspergillusoryzae) |
PF02746(MR_MLE_N)PF13378(MR_MLE_C) | 4 | PRO A 137GLY A 164TYR A 162GLU A 191 | None | 1.11A | 6gqiA-2ps2A:undetectable | 6gqiA-2ps2A:23.78 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 2r66 | GLYCOSYLTRANSFERASE, GROUP 1 (Halothermothrixorenii) |
PF00534(Glycos_transf_1)PF00862(Sucrose_synth) | 4 | PRO A 384TRP A 428GLY A 435GLU A 433 | None | 1.09A | 6gqiA-2r66A:undetectable | 6gqiA-2r66A:21.07 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 2rsv | SERINE/THREONINE-PROTEIN KINASE VRK1 (Homo sapiens) |
PF00069(Pkinase) | 4 | PRO A 111ILE A 168GLY A 109TYR A 167 | None | 0.89A | 6gqiA-2rsvA:undetectable | 6gqiA-2rsvA:22.20 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 2v5n | CATION-INDEPENDENTMANNOSE-6-PHOSPHATERECEPTOR (Homo sapiens) |
PF00878(CIMR) | 4 | PRO A1597ILE A1572GLY A1595TYR A1606 | None | 1.14A | 6gqiA-2v5nA:undetectable | 6gqiA-2v5nA:17.98 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 2vqa | SLL1358 PROTEIN (Synechocystissp. PCC 6803) |
PF00190(Cupin_1) | 4 | PRO A 124TRP A 145ILE A 231GLY A 126 | None | 1.12A | 6gqiA-2vqaA:undetectable | 6gqiA-2vqaA:20.00 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 2y9x | POLYPHENOL OXIDASE (Agaricusbisporus) |
PF00264(Tyrosinase) | 4 | PRO A 64ILE A 60GLY A 62TYR A 82 | None | 1.12A | 6gqiA-2y9xA:undetectable | 6gqiA-2y9xA:21.59 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 2ywb | GMP SYNTHASE[GLUTAMINE-HYDROLYZING] (Thermusthermophilus) |
PF00117(GATase)PF00958(GMP_synt_C) | 4 | PRO A 431ILE A 401GLY A 445GLU A 484 | None | 0.97A | 6gqiA-2ywbA:2.2 | 6gqiA-2ywbA:21.66 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 3bq9 | PREDICTED ROSSMANNFOLDNUCLEOTIDE-BINDINGDOMAIN-CONTAININGPROTEIN (Idiomarinabaltica) |
PF03641(Lysine_decarbox)PF11892(DUF3412)PF14793(DUF4478) | 4 | PRO A 189ILE A 155TYR A 160GLU A 159 | NoneNoneNoneGOL A 463 ( 4.9A) | 0.97A | 6gqiA-3bq9A:undetectable | 6gqiA-3bq9A:21.60 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 3cih | PUTATIVEALPHA-RHAMNOSIDASE (Bacteroidesthetaiotaomicron) |
PF17389(Bac_rhamnosid6H)PF17390(Bac_rhamnosid_C) | 4 | PRO A 225GLY A 222TYR A 616GLU A 223 | None | 0.98A | 6gqiA-3cihA:undetectable | 6gqiA-3cihA:21.73 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 3d3q | TRNADELTA(2)-ISOPENTENYLPYROPHOSPHATETRANSFERASE (Staphylococcusepidermidis) |
PF01715(IPPT) | 4 | PRO A 63ILE A 25GLY A 61GLU A 60 | None | 1.14A | 6gqiA-3d3qA:undetectable | 6gqiA-3d3qA:19.46 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 3f2b | DNA-DIRECTED DNAPOLYMERASE III ALPHACHAIN (Geobacilluskaustophilus) |
PF02811(PHP)PF07733(DNA_pol3_alpha)PF14579(HHH_6) | 4 | PRO A 984GLY A 980TYR A 982GLU A 981 | None | 1.03A | 6gqiA-3f2bA:undetectable | 6gqiA-3f2bA:19.27 | ||
Available target for annotated drug, i.e. matched protein structure has more than 30% sequence identity to known drug target. | 3gwf | CYCLOHEXANONEMONOOXYGENASE (Rhodococcus sp.HI-31) |
PF00743(FMO-like) | 5 | PRO A 216TRP A 273ILE A 310GLY A 335TYR A 337 | None | 0.33A | 6gqiA-3gwfA:46.9 | 6gqiA-3gwfA:62.22 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 3hdg | UNCHARACTERIZEDPROTEIN (Wolinellasuccinogenes) |
PF00072(Response_reg) | 4 | PRO A 53ILE A 74GLY A 49GLU A 45 | None | 0.91A | 6gqiA-3hdgA:2.8 | 6gqiA-3hdgA:14.31 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 3i3v | PROBABLE SECRETEDSOLUTE-BINDINGLIPOPROTEIN (Streptomycescoelicolor) |
PF01547(SBP_bac_1) | 4 | PRO A 311ILE A 175GLY A 298GLU A 296 | None | 1.04A | 6gqiA-3i3vA:undetectable | 6gqiA-3i3vA:24.82 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 3ian | CHITINASE (Lactococcuslactis) |
PF00704(Glyco_hydro_18) | 4 | PRO A 212ILE A 166GLY A 208TYR A 210 | None | 1.05A | 6gqiA-3ianA:undetectable | 6gqiA-3ianA:19.96 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 3kl9 | GLUTAMYLAMINOPEPTIDASE (Streptococcuspneumoniae) |
PF05343(Peptidase_M42) | 4 | ILE A 282GLY A 253TYR A 284GLU A 331 | None | 1.08A | 6gqiA-3kl9A:2.1 | 6gqiA-3kl9A:22.87 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 3kyf | PUTATIVEUNCHARACTERIZEDPROTEIN (Pseudomonasputida) |
PF07238(PilZ)PF07317(YcgR) | 4 | PRO A 33ILE A 35GLY A 83GLU A 82 | None | 1.05A | 6gqiA-3kyfA:undetectable | 6gqiA-3kyfA:18.08 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 3lov | PROTOPORPHYRINOGENOXIDASE (Exiguobacteriumsibiricum) |
PF01593(Amino_oxidase) | 4 | PRO A 155ILE A 147GLY A 150TYR A 152 | None | 0.94A | 6gqiA-3lovA:4.8 | 6gqiA-3lovA:24.51 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 3m8y | PHOSPHOPENTOMUTASE (Bacillus cereus) |
PF01676(Metalloenzyme) | 4 | PRO A 219TRP A 90ILE A 97GLY A 221 | None | 1.11A | 6gqiA-3m8yA:undetectable | 6gqiA-3m8yA:20.48 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 3n05 | NH(3)-DEPENDENTNAD(+) SYNTHETASE (Streptomycesavermitilis) |
PF00795(CN_hydrolase)PF02540(NAD_synthase) | 4 | PRO A 245ILE A 219GLY A 250GLU A 249 | None | 1.03A | 6gqiA-3n05A:2.7 | 6gqiA-3n05A:21.76 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 3nap | CAPSID PROTEINCAPSID PROTEIN (Triatoma virus;Triatoma virus) |
PF08762(CRPV_capsid)PF00073(Rhv) | 4 | PRO C 261ILE A 43TYR C 116GLU C 257 | None | 1.00A | 6gqiA-3napC:undetectable | 6gqiA-3napC:19.26 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 3q5e | ATLASTIN-1 (Homo sapiens) |
PF02263(GBP) | 4 | PRO A 380ILE A 374GLY A 376GLU A 373 | None | 1.14A | 6gqiA-3q5eA:undetectable | 6gqiA-3q5eA:20.94 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 3rcy | MANDELATERACEMASE/MUCONATELACTONIZINGENZYME-LIKE PROTEIN (Roseovarius sp.TM1035) |
PF02746(MR_MLE_N)PF13378(MR_MLE_C) | 4 | PRO A 13TRP A 23ILE A 337GLY A 17 | None | 0.90A | 6gqiA-3rcyA:undetectable | 6gqiA-3rcyA:23.67 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 3rks | HYDROXYNITRILASE (Manihotesculenta) |
PF00561(Abhydrolase_1) | 4 | PRO A 60ILE A 51TYR A 57GLU A 56 | None | 0.80A | 6gqiA-3rksA:undetectable | 6gqiA-3rksA:20.29 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 3rv6 | ISOCHORISMATESYNTHASE/ISOCHORISMATE-PYRUVATE LYASEMBTI (Mycobacteriumtuberculosis) |
PF00425(Chorismate_bind) | 4 | PRO A 366GLY A 370TYR A 119GLU A 372 | RVA A 454 (-3.9A)NoneNoneNone | 1.10A | 6gqiA-3rv6A:undetectable | 6gqiA-3rv6A:22.38 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 3t4w | MANDELATERACEMASE/MUCONATELACTONIZING ENZYMEFAMILY PROTEIN (Sulfitobactersp. NAS-14.1) |
PF02746(MR_MLE_N)PF13378(MR_MLE_C) | 4 | PRO A 13TRP A 23ILE A 337GLY A 17 | None | 0.89A | 6gqiA-3t4wA:undetectable | 6gqiA-3t4wA:21.79 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 3tnf | LIDA (Legionellapneumophila) |
no annotation | 4 | TRP B 510ILE B 513TYR B 502GLU B 508 | None | 1.09A | 6gqiA-3tnfB:undetectable | 6gqiA-3tnfB:20.58 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 3ukf | UDP-GALACTOPYRANOSEMUTASE (Aspergillusfumigatus) |
PF13450(NAD_binding_8) | 4 | PRO A 307TRP A 368ILE A 330GLY A 311 | None | 0.99A | 6gqiA-3ukfA:11.3 | 6gqiA-3ukfA:24.50 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 3vnd | TRYPTOPHAN SYNTHASEALPHA CHAIN (Shewanellafrigidimarina) |
PF00290(Trp_syntA) | 4 | PRO A 209ILE A 194GLY A 228GLU A 195 | None | 1.02A | 6gqiA-3vndA:undetectable | 6gqiA-3vndA:19.34 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 4ab4 | XENOBIOTIC REDUCTASEB (Pseudomonasputida) |
PF00724(Oxidored_FMN) | 4 | PRO A 315ILE A 344TYR A 42GLU A 41 | None | 0.97A | 6gqiA-4ab4A:undetectable | 6gqiA-4ab4A:21.81 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 4arc | LEUCINE--TRNA LIGASE (Escherichiacoli) |
PF00133(tRNA-synt_1)PF08264(Anticodon_1)PF13603(tRNA-synt_1_2) | 4 | PRO A 42ILE A 105GLY A 78GLU A 124 | LEU A1001 ( 4.9A)NoneNoneNone | 1.11A | 6gqiA-4arcA:undetectable | 6gqiA-4arcA:20.64 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 4bof | ARGININE DEIMINASE (Streptococcuspyogenes) |
PF02274(Amidinotransf) | 4 | PRO A 200ILE A 195GLY A 203TYR A 202 | None | 1.01A | 6gqiA-4bofA:undetectable | 6gqiA-4bofA:23.99 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 4c7g | BETA-N-ACETYLHEXOSAMINIDASE (Streptomycescoelicolor) |
PF00728(Glyco_hydro_20)PF02838(Glyco_hydro_20b) | 4 | ILE A 10GLY A 450TYR A 168GLU A 453 | None | 1.08A | 6gqiA-4c7gA:undetectable | 6gqiA-4c7gA:23.45 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 4cvu | BETA-MANNOSIDASE (Trichodermaharzianum) |
PF00703(Glyco_hydro_2) | 4 | PRO A 833TRP A 762ILE A 377GLY A 319 | None | 1.07A | 6gqiA-4cvuA:undetectable | 6gqiA-4cvuA:20.55 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 4dkb | DEOXYURIDINETRIPHOSPHATASE (Trypanosomabrucei) |
PF08761(dUTPase_2) | 4 | PRO A 274ILE A 214GLY A 272TYR A 268 | None | 1.11A | 6gqiA-4dkbA:undetectable | 6gqiA-4dkbA:20.35 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 4hwt | THREONINE--TRNALIGASE, CYTOPLASMIC (Homo sapiens) |
PF00587(tRNA-synt_2b)PF03129(HGTP_anticodon) | 4 | PRO A 658GLY A 710TYR A 666GLU A 711 | None | 1.14A | 6gqiA-4hwtA:3.1 | 6gqiA-4hwtA:20.96 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 4ix2 | INOSINE-5'-MONOPHOSPHATE DEHYDROGENASE (Vibrio cholerae) |
PF00478(IMPDH) | 4 | PRO A 45ILE A 433GLY A 68GLU A 66 | None | 1.06A | 6gqiA-4ix2A:undetectable | 6gqiA-4ix2A:23.41 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 4j3z | MANDELATERACEMASE/MUCONATELACTONIZING ENZYME (Jannaschia sp.CCS1) |
PF02746(MR_MLE_N)PF13378(MR_MLE_C) | 4 | PRO A 14TRP A 24ILE A 337GLY A 18 | None | 0.92A | 6gqiA-4j3zA:undetectable | 6gqiA-4j3zA:24.69 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 4lnv | THIOESTER-CONTAININGPROTEIN I (Anophelesgambiae) |
PF00207(A2M)PF01835(A2M_N)PF07677(A2M_recep)PF07678(A2M_comp)PF07703(A2M_N_2)PF10569(Thiol-ester_cl) | 4 | PRO A 653TRP A 633ILE A 533GLY A 530 | None | 1.08A | 6gqiA-4lnvA:undetectable | 6gqiA-4lnvA:17.34 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 4npa | PUTATIVEUNCHARACTERIZEDPROTEIN (Vibrio cholerae) |
PF03641(Lysine_decarbox)PF11892(DUF3412)PF14793(DUF4478) | 4 | PRO A 195ILE A 161TYR A 166GLU A 165 | None | 0.87A | 6gqiA-4npaA:undetectable | 6gqiA-4npaA:22.38 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 4nq8 | PUTATIVE PERIPLASMICSUBSTRATE-BINDINGTRANSPORT PROTEIN (Bordetellabronchiseptica) |
PF03480(DctP) | 4 | ILE A 51GLY A 57TYR A 59GLU A 52 | None | 0.91A | 6gqiA-4nq8A:undetectable | 6gqiA-4nq8A:20.40 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 4o5f | TYPE IIIPANTOTHENATE KINASE (Burkholderiathailandensis) |
PF03309(Pan_kinase) | 4 | PRO A 47TRP A 72ILE A 68GLY A 49 | None | 1.09A | 6gqiA-4o5fA:undetectable | 6gqiA-4o5fA:20.70 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 4o96 | TYPE III EFFECTORPROTEIN KINASE (Escherichiacoli) |
no annotation | 4 | ILE A 222GLY A 216TYR A 257GLU A 217 | None | 1.10A | 6gqiA-4o96A:undetectable | 6gqiA-4o96A:14.37 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 4psp | ALPHA-FUCOSIDASEGH29 (Fusariumgraminearum) |
PF01120(Alpha_L_fucos)PF16757(Fucosidase_C) | 4 | PRO A 142ILE A 79GLY A 146TYR A 145 | None | 1.12A | 6gqiA-4pspA:undetectable | 6gqiA-4pspA:23.09 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 4ptf | DNA POLYMERASEEPSILON CATALYTICSUBUNIT A (Saccharomycescerevisiae) |
PF00136(DNA_pol_B)PF03104(DNA_pol_B_exo1) | 4 | PRO A 532TRP A 841ILE A 529GLU A 173 | None | 1.10A | 6gqiA-4ptfA:undetectable | 6gqiA-4ptfA:18.14 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 4rnw | NADPH DEHYDROGENASE1 (Saccharomycespastorianus) |
PF00724(Oxidored_FMN) | 4 | PRO A 54ILE A 83TYR A 155GLU A 154 | None | 1.04A | 6gqiA-4rnwA:undetectable | 6gqiA-4rnwA:22.80 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 4s17 | GLUTAMINE SYNTHETASE (Bifidobacteriumadolescentis) |
PF00120(Gln-synt_C)PF03951(Gln-synt_N) | 4 | PRO A 399ILE A 352GLY A 308TYR A 343 | None | 1.13A | 6gqiA-4s17A:undetectable | 6gqiA-4s17A:23.44 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 4tmc | OLD YELLOW ENZYME (Kluyveromycesmarxianus) |
PF00724(Oxidored_FMN) | 4 | PRO A 48TRP A 97TYR A 57GLU A 54 | None | 1.06A | 6gqiA-4tmcA:undetectable | 6gqiA-4tmcA:20.54 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 4w5z | CHITINASE 60 (Moritellamarina) |
PF00704(Glyco_hydro_18) | 4 | PRO A 203ILE A 157GLY A 199TYR A 201 | None | 1.06A | 6gqiA-4w5zA:undetectable | 6gqiA-4w5zA:21.30 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 4wn9 | NITROGENASEMOLYBDENUM-IRONPROTEIN ALPHA CHAIN (Clostridiumpasteurianum) |
PF00148(Oxidored_nitro) | 4 | PRO A 65ILE A 218GLY A 242GLU A 215 | NoneICS A 602 ( 4.9A)NoneNone | 1.14A | 6gqiA-4wn9A:2.2 | 6gqiA-4wn9A:21.68 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 4ync | NADPH DEHYDROGENASE1 (Saccharomycespastorianus) |
PF00724(Oxidored_FMN) | 4 | PRO A 354ILE A 383TYR A 56GLU A 55 | None | 1.02A | 6gqiA-4yncA:undetectable | 6gqiA-4yncA:21.14 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 4zef | AMINO ACID ABCTRANSPORTER AMINOACID-BINDING/PERMEASE (Enterococcusfaecalis) |
PF00497(SBP_bac_3) | 4 | ILE A 475GLY A 470TYR A 472GLU A 471 | None | 1.11A | 6gqiA-4zefA:undetectable | 6gqiA-4zefA:18.81 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 4zu9 | ELONGATION FACTORSELB (Aquifexaeolicus) |
PF00009(GTP_EFTU)PF09107(SelB-wing_3) | 4 | PRO A 501ILE A 495GLY A 499GLU A 498 | None | 1.13A | 6gqiA-4zu9A:undetectable | 6gqiA-4zu9A:22.56 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 5ah5 | LEUCINE--TRNA LIGASE (Agrobacteriumtumefaciens) |
PF00133(tRNA-synt_1)PF08264(Anticodon_1)PF13603(tRNA-synt_1_2) | 4 | PRO A 40ILE A 103GLY A 76GLU A 122 | LSS A1818 (-4.3A)NoneNoneNone | 1.01A | 6gqiA-5ah5A:undetectable | 6gqiA-5ah5A:21.91 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 5b0h | LEUKOCYTECELL-DERIVEDCHEMOTAXIN-2 (Homo sapiens) |
PF01551(Peptidase_M23) | 4 | PRO A 51ILE A 96GLY A 99GLU A 100 | None | 1.06A | 6gqiA-5b0hA:undetectable | 6gqiA-5b0hA:12.57 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 5kzc | VRC01 FAB HEAVYCHAIN (Homo sapiens) |
no annotation | 4 | PRO H 108ILE H 20GLY H 106TYR H 90 | None | 1.12A | 6gqiA-5kzcH:undetectable | 6gqiA-5kzcH:18.44 | ||
Available target for annotated drug, i.e. matched protein structure has more than 30% sequence identity to known drug target. | 5m10 | CYCLOHEXANONEMONOOXYGENASE FROMTHERMOCRISPUMMUNICIPALE (Thermocrispummunicipale) |
PF07992(Pyr_redox_2) | 5 | PRO A 216TRP A 273ILE A 310GLY A 335TYR A 337 | GOL A 607 ( 3.9A)NoneGOL A 607 (-4.7A)GOL A 607 (-3.8A)GOL A 607 (-4.4A) | 0.24A | 6gqiA-5m10A:55.9 | 6gqiA-5m10A:100.00 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 5min | QUINOPROTEIN GLUCOSEDEHYDROGENASE B (Acinetobactercalcoaceticus) |
no annotation | 4 | PRO A 414TRP A 34ILE A 411TYR A 420 | None | 1.13A | 6gqiA-5minA:undetectable | 6gqiA-5minA:undetectable | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 5mpt | CITRININ POLYKETIDESYNTHASE (Monascuspurpureus) |
PF08242(Methyltransf_12) | 4 | ILE A1882GLY A1872TYR A1871GLU A1875 | None | 1.08A | 6gqiA-5mptA:undetectable | 6gqiA-5mptA:22.74 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 5tdx | ANCESTRALHYDROXYNITRILE LYASE1 (syntheticconstruct) |
no annotation | 4 | PRO A 60ILE A 51TYR A 57GLU A 56 | None | 0.82A | 6gqiA-5tdxA:2.0 | 6gqiA-5tdxA:19.49 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 5uhu | MYCINAMICIN IVHYDROXYLASE/EPOXIDASE (Micromonosporagriseorubida) |
PF00067(p450) | 4 | PRO A 37GLY A 40TYR A 39GLU A 71 | None | 1.09A | 6gqiA-5uhuA:undetectable | 6gqiA-5uhuA:23.69 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 5uj6 | GLYCOSYL HYDROLASESFAMILY 2, SUGARBINDING DOMAINPROTEIN (Bacteroidesuniformis) |
PF00703(Glyco_hydro_2)PF02836(Glyco_hydro_2_C)PF02837(Glyco_hydro_2_N)PF11721(Malectin)PF16355(DUF4982) | 4 | PRO A 518GLY A 310TYR A 566GLU A 312 | None | 1.05A | 6gqiA-5uj6A:undetectable | 6gqiA-5uj6A:20.81 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 5uze | INOSINE-5'-MONOPHOSPHATEDEHYDROGENASE,INOSINE-5'-MONOPHOSPHATEDEHYDROGENASE (Clostridiumperfringens) |
PF00478(IMPDH) | 4 | PRO A 43ILE A 427GLY A 66GLU A 64 | None | 1.00A | 6gqiA-5uzeA:undetectable | 6gqiA-5uzeA:20.65 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 5w4c | THIOREDOXINREDUCTASE (Cryptococcusneoformans) |
no annotation | 4 | PRO A 56ILE A 109GLY A 106GLU A 103 | None | 1.12A | 6gqiA-5w4cA:10.6 | 6gqiA-5w4cA:undetectable | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 5xl2 | HEMAGGLUTININ (Influenza Avirus) |
PF00509(Hemagglutinin) | 4 | TRP A 80ILE A 62GLY A 57GLU A 85 | None | 0.91A | 6gqiA-5xl2A:undetectable | 6gqiA-5xl2A:22.39 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 5xl6 | HEMAGGLUTININ (Influenza Avirus) |
PF00509(Hemagglutinin) | 4 | TRP A 80ILE A 62GLY A 57GLU A 85 | None | 0.92A | 6gqiA-5xl6A:undetectable | 6gqiA-5xl6A:20.48 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 5ywz | SUNDOMAIN-CONTAININGPROTEIN 1 (Mus musculus) |
no annotation | 4 | PRO A 826ILE A 792TYR A 903GLU A 823 | None | 0.69A | 6gqiA-5ywzA:2.5 | 6gqiA-5ywzA:undetectable | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 6anz | UNCHARACTERIZEDPROTEIN (Neisseriagonorrhoeae) |
no annotation | 4 | ILE A 103GLY A 47TYR A 67GLU A 69 | None | 1.07A | 6gqiA-6anzA:undetectable | 6gqiA-6anzA:15.62 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 6b3r | PIEZO-TYPEMECHANOSENSITIVE IONCHANNEL COMPONENT 1 (Mus musculus) |
no annotation | 4 | PRO A2346ILE A2315GLY A2311GLU A2307 | None | 1.08A | 6gqiA-6b3rA:undetectable | 6gqiA-6b3rA:undetectable | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 6dd6 | PHOTOLYASE PHRB (Agrobacteriumtumefaciens) |
no annotation | 4 | TRP A 142GLY A 316TYR A 313GLU A 312 | None | 1.11A | 6gqiA-6dd6A:undetectable | 6gqiA-6dd6A:undetectable | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 6eot | DIPEPTIDYL PEPTIDASE8 (Homo sapiens) |
no annotation | 4 | TRP A 754ILE A 867GLY A 830TYR A 860 | None | 1.10A | 6gqiA-6eotA:undetectable | 6gqiA-6eotA:undetectable | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 6fv5 | QUEUINETRNA-RIBOSYLTRANSFERASE ACCESSORYSUBUNIT 2 (Mus musculus) |
no annotation | 4 | PRO A 57ILE A 53GLY A 55GLU A 385 | None | 1.13A | 6gqiA-6fv5A:undetectable | 6gqiA-6fv5A:undetectable | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 6g2j | NADH DEHYDROGENASE[UBIQUINONE] 1 ALPHASUBCOMPLEX SUBUNIT9, MITOCHONDRIAL (Mus musculus) |
no annotation | 4 | PRO P 114ILE P 165GLY P 152GLU P 153 | None | 1.10A | 6gqiA-6g2jP:undetectable | 6gqiA-6g2jP:undetectable |