List of similar pattern of amino acids derived from ASSAM searchHit | Macromolecule/ Organism |
Pfam | Res. | Interface | HETATM | RMSD | Dali Z-score | Seq. Identity (%) | View | Dock | |
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 1tqh | CARBOXYLESTERASEPRECURSOR (Geobacillusstearothermophilus) |
PF12146(Hydrolase_4) | 5 | MET A 115HIS A 23GLY A 96SER A 100GLY A 36 | None | 1.16A | 4a99A-1tqhA:2.2 | 4a99A-1tqhA:20.30 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 1w61 | B-CELL MITOGEN (Trypanosomacruzi) |
PF05544(Pro_racemase) | 5 | MET A 129ASN A 133GLY A 301SER A 305GLY A 169 | NoneNonePYC A 700 (-3.7A)NoneNone | 1.05A | 4a99A-1w61A:undetectable | 4a99A-1w61A:22.56 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 2gzs | IROE PROTEIN (Escherichiacoli) |
PF00756(Esterase) | 5 | ARG A 130PHE A 291HIS A 287GLY A 288GLY A 192 | DFP A1189 (-2.8A)NoneDFP A1189 (-3.8A)NoneNone | 1.48A | 4a99A-2gzsA:1.0 | 4a99A-2gzsA:22.67 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 2wk2 | CHITINASE A (Serratiamarcescens) |
PF00704(Glyco_hydro_18)PF08329(ChitinaseA_N) | 5 | PHE A 316ASN A 323GLY A 319GLY A 273MET A 388 | NoneNoneNoneNoneNGT A1565 (-3.7A) | 1.33A | 4a99A-2wk2A:undetectable | 4a99A-2wk2A:22.05 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 2y24 | XYLANASE (Dickeyachrysanthemi) |
PF02055(Glyco_hydro_30)PF17189(Glyco_hydro_30C) | 5 | ARG A 319PHE A 47GLY A 48GLY A 321MET A 279 | None | 1.41A | 4a99A-2y24A:0.0 | 4a99A-2y24A:21.69 | ||
Available target for annotated drug, i.e. matched protein structure has more than 30% sequence identity to known drug target. | 3p9u | TETX2 PROTEIN (Bacteroidesthetaiotaomicron) |
PF01494(FAD_binding_3) | 8 | ARG A 213MET A 215ASN A 226HIS A 234GLY A 236SER A 238GLY A 321MET A 375 | SO4 A 1 (-4.5A)NoneSO4 A 1 (-4.5A)SO4 A 1 ( 4.6A)NoneNoneNoneNone | 0.68A | 4a99A-3p9uA:58.1 | 4a99A-3p9uA:94.47 | ||
Available target for annotated drug, i.e. matched protein structure has more than 30% sequence identity to known drug target. | 3p9u | TETX2 PROTEIN (Bacteroidesthetaiotaomicron) |
PF01494(FAD_binding_3) | 7 | GLN A 192ARG A 213MET A 215ASN A 226HIS A 234SER A 238GLY A 321 | FAD A 401 (-3.4A)SO4 A 1 (-4.5A)NoneSO4 A 1 (-4.5A)SO4 A 1 ( 4.6A)NoneNone | 0.95A | 4a99A-3p9uA:58.1 | 4a99A-3p9uA:94.47 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 3qat | MALONYL COA-ACYLCARRIER PROTEINTRANSACYLASE (Bartonellahenselae) |
PF00698(Acyl_transf_1) | 5 | ARG A 119MET A 123PHE A 202SER A 199GLY A 9 | None | 1.44A | 4a99A-3qatA:1.0 | 4a99A-3qatA:22.30 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 3wy2 | ALPHA-GLUCOSIDASE (Halomonas sp.H11) |
PF00128(Alpha-amylase)PF11941(DUF3459) | 5 | ARG A 25PHE A 77ASN A 33GLY A 28MET A 60 | None | 1.47A | 4a99A-3wy2A:0.0 | 4a99A-3wy2A:22.87 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 4ccl | 50S RIBOSOMALPROTEIN L16 ARGININEHYDROXYLASE (Escherichiacoli) |
PF08007(Cupin_4) | 5 | GLN A 135ASN A 194GLY A 136GLY A 121MET A 112 | NoneNoneNoneNoneSO4 A1375 (-4.5A) | 1.05A | 4a99A-4cclA:undetectable | 4a99A-4cclA:21.19 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 4e54 | DNA DAMAGE-BINDINGPROTEIN 2 (Homo sapiens) |
PF00400(WD40) | 5 | ASN B 292HIS B 247GLY B 161SER B 175GLY B 223 | None | 1.20A | 4a99A-4e54B:undetectable | 4a99A-4e54B:21.94 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 4i9y | E3 SUMO-PROTEINLIGASE RANBP2 (Homo sapiens) |
PF00160(Pro_isomerase) | 5 | PHE A 48ASN A 50GLY A 65SER A 110GLY A 45 | None | 1.41A | 4a99A-4i9yA:undetectable | 4a99A-4i9yA:18.59 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 4mlg | BETA-XYLOSIDASE (unculturedorganism) |
PF04616(Glyco_hydro_43) | 5 | ARG A 301HIS A 244GLY A 241GLY A 43MET A 135 | SO4 A 402 (-3.5A)NoneNoneNoneNone | 1.42A | 4a99A-4mlgA:undetectable | 4a99A-4mlgA:19.90 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 4mo2 | UDP-GALACTOPYRANOSEMUTASE (Campylobacterjejuni) |
no annotation | 5 | MET B 348ASN B 39GLY B 10GLY B 192MET B 69 | FDA B 402 (-4.3A)FDA B 402 (-4.2A)FDA B 402 (-3.5A)NoneNone | 1.49A | 4a99A-4mo2B:12.3 | 4a99A-4mo2B:20.73 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 4o2w | E3 UBIQUITIN-PROTEINLIGASE HERC1 (Homo sapiens) |
PF00415(RCC1) | 5 | PHE A4263ASN A4278HIS A4279GLY A4264SER A4251 | None | 1.11A | 4a99A-4o2wA:undetectable | 4a99A-4o2wA:23.63 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 4rih | GLYCOSYL TRANSFERASEHOMOLOG,GLYCOSYLTRANSFERASE (Streptomycescyanogenus;Streptomycesfradiae) |
PF06722(DUF1205) | 5 | MET A 116PHE A 88HIS A 86GLY A 89GLY A 306 | None | 1.37A | 4a99A-4rihA:3.0 | 4a99A-4rihA:21.46 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 4rwt | LEIOMODIN-2 (Homo sapiens) |
no annotation | 5 | PHE C 271ASN C 273GLY C 300GLY C 279MET C 257 | None | 1.34A | 4a99A-4rwtC:undetectable | 4a99A-4rwtC:23.09 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 4z94 | GELSOLIN,TROPOMODULIN-1,LEIOMODIN-1 CHIMERA (Homo sapiens) |
PF00626(Gelsolin) | 5 | PHE G1422ASN G1424HIS G1453GLY G1451GLY G1430 | None | 1.32A | 4a99A-4z94G:undetectable | 4a99A-4z94G:21.97 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 5gpr | CHITINASE (Ostriniafurnacalis) |
PF00704(Glyco_hydro_18)PF08329(ChitinaseA_N) | 5 | PHE A 309ASN A 316GLY A 312GLY A 266MET A 381 | PHE A 309 ( 1.3A)ASN A 316 ( 0.6A)GLY A 312 ( 0.0A)GLY A 266 ( 0.0A)MET A 381 ( 0.0A) | 1.22A | 4a99A-5gprA:undetectable | 4a99A-5gprA:22.14 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 5xgv | PYRE3 (Streptomycesrugosporus) |
no annotation | 5 | GLN A 56ARG A 322ASN A 297GLY A 440GLY A 289 | None | 1.17A | 4a99A-5xgvA:27.1 | 4a99A-5xgvA:14.42 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 5zl9 | CHITINASE AB (Serratiamarcescens) |
no annotation | 5 | PHE A 316ASN A 323GLY A 319GLY A 273MET A 390 | NoneNoneNoneNoneGOL A 706 (-3.3A) | 1.20A | 4a99A-5zl9A:undetectable | 4a99A-5zl9A:12.43 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 6apg | DISD PROTEIN (Sorangiumcellulosum) |
no annotation | 5 | GLN A 12ARG A 111GLY A 10GLY A 116MET A 123 | NoneMLI A 301 (-3.3A)NoneNoneMLI A 301 ( 4.4A) | 1.37A | 4a99A-6apgA:undetectable | 4a99A-6apgA:12.34 |