List of similar pattern of amino acids derived from ASSAM searchHit | Macromolecule/ Organism |
Pfam | Res. | Interface | HETATM | RMSD | Dali Z-score | Seq. Identity (%) | View | Dock | |
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 1af5 | I-CREI (Chlamydomonasreinhardtii) |
PF00961(LAGLIDADG_1) | 3 | LYS A 82PRO A 83LEU A 84 | None | 0.82A | 3tpxE-1af5A:0.0 | 3tpxE-1af5A:21.74 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 1b89 | PROTEIN (CLATHRINHEAVY CHAIN) (Bos taurus) |
PF00637(Clathrin) | 3 | LYS A1415PRO A1416LEU A1417 | None | 0.85A | 3tpxE-1b89A:0.0 | 3tpxE-1b89A:13.44 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 1bo9 | PROTEIN (ANNEXIN I) (Homo sapiens) |
PF00191(Annexin) | 3 | LYS A 50PRO A 51LEU A 52 | None | 0.79A | 3tpxE-1bo9A:undetectable | 3tpxE-1bo9A:25.00 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 1cbg | CYANOGENICBETA-GLUCOSIDASE (Trifoliumrepens) |
PF00232(Glyco_hydro_1) | 3 | LYS A 359PRO A 360LEU A 361 | None | 0.87A | 3tpxE-1cbgA:0.0 | 3tpxE-1cbgA:10.62 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 1fbv | SIGNAL TRANSDUCTIONPROTEIN CBL (Homo sapiens) |
PF02262(Cbl_N)PF02761(Cbl_N2)PF02762(Cbl_N3)PF14447(Prok-RING_4) | 3 | LYS A 322PRO A 323LEU A 324 | None | 0.87A | 3tpxE-1fbvA:0.0 | 3tpxE-1fbvA:12.62 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 1h59 | INSULIN-LIKE GROWTHFACTOR BINDINGPROTEIN 5 (Homo sapiens) |
no annotation | 3 | LYS B 68PRO B 69LEU B 70 | None | 0.88A | 3tpxE-1h59B:undetectable | 3tpxE-1h59B:21.33 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 1k0f | PERIPLASMICZINC-BINDING PROTEINTROA (Treponemapallidum) |
PF01297(ZnuA) | 3 | LYS A 33PRO A 34LEU A 35 | None | 0.84A | 3tpxE-1k0fA:undetectable | 3tpxE-1k0fA:16.80 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 1mqs | SLY1 PROTEIN (Saccharomycescerevisiae) |
PF00995(Sec1) | 3 | LYS A 120PRO A 94LEU A 93 | None | 0.84A | 3tpxE-1mqsA:0.0 | 3tpxE-1mqsA:7.24 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 1mvl | PPC DECARBOXYLASEATHAL3A (Arabidopsisthaliana) |
PF02441(Flavoprotein) | 3 | LYS A 133PRO A 134LEU A 135 | None | 0.74A | 3tpxE-1mvlA:0.0 | 3tpxE-1mvlA:21.65 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 1n1f | INTERLEUKIN-19 (Homo sapiens) |
PF00726(IL10) | 3 | LYS A 52PRO A 53LEU A 54 | None | 0.63A | 3tpxE-1n1fA:undetectable | 3tpxE-1n1fA:22.73 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 1n76 | LACTOFERRIN (Homo sapiens) |
PF00405(Transferrin) | 3 | LYS A 581PRO A 582LEU A 573 | None | 0.85A | 3tpxE-1n76A:0.0 | 3tpxE-1n76A:9.22 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 1p83 | 10 KDA CHAPERONIN (Mycobacteriumtuberculosis) |
no annotation | 3 | LYS A 6PRO A 7LEU A 8 | None | 0.78A | 3tpxE-1p83A:undetectable | 3tpxE-1p83A:20.37 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 1qjm | LACTOFERRIN (Equus caballus) |
PF00405(Transferrin) | 3 | LYS A 237PRO A 238LEU A 229 | None | 0.80A | 3tpxE-1qjmA:undetectable | 3tpxE-1qjmA:9.22 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 1qzu | HYPOTHETICAL PROTEINMDS018 (Homo sapiens) |
PF02441(Flavoprotein) | 3 | LYS A 131PRO A 132LEU A 133 | None | 0.85A | 3tpxE-1qzuA:undetectable | 3tpxE-1qzuA:22.58 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 1ryt | RUBRERYTHRIN (Desulfovibriovulgaris) |
PF02915(Rubrerythrin) | 3 | LYS A 181PRO A 180LEU A 173 | None | 0.71A | 3tpxE-1rytA:undetectable | 3tpxE-1rytA:17.79 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 1toa | PROTEIN (PERIPLASMICBINDING PROTEINTROA) (Treponemapallidum) |
PF01297(ZnuA) | 3 | LYS A 33PRO A 34LEU A 35 | None | 0.74A | 3tpxE-1toaA:undetectable | 3tpxE-1toaA:16.60 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 1uwi | BETA-GALACTOSIDASE (Sulfolobussolfataricus) |
PF00232(Glyco_hydro_1) | 3 | LYS A 485PRO A 486LEU A 487 | None | 0.71A | 3tpxE-1uwiA:undetectable | 3tpxE-1uwiA:11.04 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 1v9n | MALATE DEHYDROGENASE (Pyrococcushorikoshii) |
PF02615(Ldh_2) | 3 | LYS A 179PRO A 180LEU A 182 | None | 0.84A | 3tpxE-1v9nA:undetectable | 3tpxE-1v9nA:15.19 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 1vgq | FORMYL-COENZYME ATRANSFERASE (Oxalobacterformigenes) |
PF02515(CoA_transf_3) | 3 | LYS A 3PRO A 4LEU A 5 | None | 0.81A | 3tpxE-1vgqA:undetectable | 3tpxE-1vgqA:11.24 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 1x4m | FAR UPSTREAM ELEMENTBINDING PROTEIN 1 (Mus musculus) |
PF00013(KH_1) | 3 | LYS A 62PRO A 63LEU A 64 | None | 0.72A | 3tpxE-1x4mA:undetectable | 3tpxE-1x4mA:13.83 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 1ytu | HYPOTHETICAL PROTEINAF1318 (Archaeoglobusfulgidus) |
PF02171(Piwi) | 3 | LYS A 344PRO A 345LEU A 346 | None | 0.86A | 3tpxE-1ytuA:undetectable | 3tpxE-1ytuA:12.21 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 1zcj | PEROXISOMALBIFUNCTIONAL ENZYME (Rattusnorvegicus) |
PF00725(3HCDH)PF02737(3HCDH_N) | 3 | LYS A 583PRO A 584LEU A 585 | None | 0.82A | 3tpxE-1zcjA:undetectable | 3tpxE-1zcjA:10.96 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 2adv | GLUTARYL 7-AMINOCEPHALOSPORANICACID ACYLASE (Pseudomonas sp.SY-77-1) |
PF01804(Penicil_amidase) | 3 | LYS C 116PRO C 117LEU C 118 | None | 0.74A | 3tpxE-2advC:undetectable | 3tpxE-2advC:10.88 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 2ah5 | COG0546: PREDICTEDPHOSPHATASES (Streptococcuspneumoniae) |
PF13419(HAD_2) | 3 | LYS A 201PRO A 202LEU A 203 | None | 0.73A | 3tpxE-2ah5A:undetectable | 3tpxE-2ah5A:18.05 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 2ch8 | 33 KDA EARLY PROTEIN (Humangammaherpesvirus4) |
no annotation | 3 | LYS A 123PRO A 124LEU A 125 | None | 0.69A | 3tpxE-2ch8A:undetectable | 3tpxE-2ch8A:15.92 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 2d8c | PHOSPHATIDYLCHOLINE:CERAMIDECHOLINEPHOSPHOTRANSFERASE 1 (Mus musculus) |
PF00536(SAM_1) | 3 | LYS A 59PRO A 60LEU A 62 | None | 0.80A | 3tpxE-2d8cA:undetectable | 3tpxE-2d8cA:17.53 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 2db2 | KIAA0890 PROTEIN (Homo sapiens) |
PF00035(dsrm) | 3 | LYS A 70PRO A 69LEU A 73 | None | 0.79A | 3tpxE-2db2A:undetectable | 3tpxE-2db2A:22.58 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 2e21 | TRNA(ILE)-LYSIDINESYNTHASE (Aquifexaeolicus) |
PF01171(ATP_bind_3) | 3 | LYS A 262PRO A 263LEU A 266 | None | 0.66A | 3tpxE-2e21A:undetectable | 3tpxE-2e21A:13.38 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 2eqn | HYPOTHETICAL PROTEINLOC92345 (Homo sapiens) |
PF04410(Gar1) | 3 | LYS A 26PRO A 27LEU A 28 | None | 0.88A | 3tpxE-2eqnA:undetectable | 3tpxE-2eqnA:21.00 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 2fav | REPLICASEPOLYPROTEIN 1AB(PP1AB) (ORF1AB) (Severe acuterespiratorysyndrome-relatedcoronavirus) |
PF01661(Macro) | 3 | LYS A 136PRO A 137LEU A 138 | None | 0.82A | 3tpxE-2favA:undetectable | 3tpxE-2favA:20.00 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 2fd4 | AVIRULENCE PROTEINAVRPTOB (Pseudomonassyringae) |
PF09046(AvrPtoB-E3_ubiq) | 3 | LYS A 529PRO A 530LEU A 526 | None | 0.86A | 3tpxE-2fd4A:undetectable | 3tpxE-2fd4A:19.85 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 2fkn | UROCANATE HYDRATASE (Bacillussubtilis) |
PF01175(Urocanase)PF17391(Urocanase_N)PF17392(Urocanase_C) | 3 | LYS A 230PRO A 231LEU A 232 | None | 0.54A | 3tpxE-2fknA:undetectable | 3tpxE-2fknA:9.85 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 2fwr | DNA REPAIR PROTEINRAD25 (Archaeoglobusfulgidus) |
PF04851(ResIII)PF16203(ERCC3_RAD25_C) | 3 | LYS A 172PRO A 173LEU A 174 | None | 0.51A | 3tpxE-2fwrA:undetectable | 3tpxE-2fwrA:11.78 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 2fz4 | DNA REPAIR PROTEINRAD25 (Archaeoglobusfulgidus) |
PF04851(ResIII) | 3 | LYS A 172PRO A 173LEU A 174 | None | 0.72A | 3tpxE-2fz4A:undetectable | 3tpxE-2fz4A:17.54 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 2g17 | N-ACETYL-GAMMA-GLUTAMYL-PHOSPHATEREDUCTASE (Salmonellaenterica) |
PF01118(Semialdhyde_dh)PF02774(Semialdhyde_dhC) | 3 | LYS A 267PRO A 268LEU A 269 | SO4 A 404 (-2.8A)NoneNone | 0.74A | 3tpxE-2g17A:undetectable | 3tpxE-2g17A:13.08 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 2hau | SEROTRANSFERRIN (Homo sapiens) |
PF00405(Transferrin) | 3 | LYS A 569PRO A 570LEU A 561 | None | 0.84A | 3tpxE-2hauA:undetectable | 3tpxE-2hauA:9.57 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 2hne | L-FUCONATEDEHYDRATASE (Xanthomonascampestris) |
PF02746(MR_MLE_N)PF13378(MR_MLE_C) | 3 | LYS A 130PRO A 131LEU A 132 | None | 0.85A | 3tpxE-2hneA:undetectable | 3tpxE-2hneA:11.76 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 2i7x | PROTEIN CFT2 (Saccharomycescerevisiae) |
PF16661(Lactamase_B_6) | 3 | LYS A 199PRO A 200LEU A 201 | None | 0.88A | 3tpxE-2i7xA:undetectable | 3tpxE-2i7xA:7.79 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 2ido | DNA POLYMERASE IIIEPSILON SUBUNIT (Escherichiacoli) |
PF00929(RNase_T) | 3 | LYS A 76PRO A 77LEU A 52 | None | 0.81A | 3tpxE-2idoA:undetectable | 3tpxE-2idoA:17.39 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 2jvz | FAR UPSTREAMELEMENT-BINDINGPROTEIN 2 (Homo sapiens) |
PF00013(KH_1) | 3 | LYS A 49PRO A 50LEU A 51 | None | 0.84A | 3tpxE-2jvzA:undetectable | 3tpxE-2jvzA:16.46 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 2jys | PROTEASE/REVERSETRANSCRIPTASE (Macaque simianfoamy virus) |
PF03539(Spuma_A9PTase) | 3 | LYS A 96PRO A 97LEU A 98 | None | 0.68A | 3tpxE-2jysA:undetectable | 3tpxE-2jysA:20.91 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 2kxp | MYOTROPHIN (Mus musculus) |
PF12796(Ank_2) | 3 | LYS C 637PRO C 638LEU C 639 | None | 0.63A | 3tpxE-2kxpC:undetectable | 3tpxE-2kxpC:22.81 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 2leq | UNCHARACTERIZEDPROTEIN (Cytophagahutchinsonii) |
PF08327(AHSA1) | 3 | LYS A 86PRO A 87LEU A 89 | None | 0.71A | 3tpxE-2leqA:undetectable | 3tpxE-2leqA:20.97 | ||
Available target for annotated drug, i.e. matched protein structure has more than 30% sequence identity to known drug target. | 2m86 | E3 UBIQUITIN-PROTEINLIGASE MDM2 (Homo sapiens) |
PF02201(SWIB) | 3 | LYS B 96PRO B 97LEU B 98 | None | 0.48A | 3tpxE-2m86B:13.1 | 3tpxE-2m86B:100.00 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 2m9o | KALATA-B7 (Oldenlandiaaffinis) |
PF03784(Cyclotide) | 3 | LYS A 27PRO A 3LEU A 2 | None | 0.84A | 3tpxE-2m9oA:undetectable | 3tpxE-2m9oA:18.29 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 2np0 | BOTULINUM NEUROTOXINTYPE B (Clostridiumbotulinum) |
PF01742(Peptidase_M27)PF07951(Toxin_R_bind_C)PF07952(Toxin_trans)PF07953(Toxin_R_bind_N) | 3 | LYS A 101PRO A 102LEU A 103 | None | 0.64A | 3tpxE-2np0A:undetectable | 3tpxE-2np0A:5.54 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 2otm | HYPOTHETICAL PROTEIN (Shewanellaoneidensis) |
PF14588(YjgF_endoribonc) | 3 | LYS A 110PRO A 109LEU A 112 | NoneACT A 156 (-4.1A)None | 0.87A | 3tpxE-2otmA:undetectable | 3tpxE-2otmA:21.48 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 2py2 | ANTIFREEZE PROTEINTYPE II (Clupea harengus) |
PF00059(Lectin_C) | 3 | LYS A 127PRO A 128LEU A 129 | None | 0.86A | 3tpxE-2py2A:undetectable | 3tpxE-2py2A:15.67 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 2qyb | MEMBRANE PROTEIN,PUTATIVE (Geobactersulfurreducens) |
PF13185(GAF_2) | 3 | LYS A 93PRO A 94LEU A 95 | None | 0.78A | 3tpxE-2qybA:undetectable | 3tpxE-2qybA:18.78 | ||
Available target for annotated drug, i.e. matched protein structure has more than 30% sequence identity to known drug target. | 2ruh | E3 UBIQUITIN-PROTEINLIGASE MDM2 (Homo sapiens) |
PF02201(SWIB) | 3 | LYS A 37PRO A 38LEU A 39 | None | 0.88A | 3tpxE-2ruhA:12.7 | 3tpxE-2ruhA:91.76 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 2wc1 | FLAVODOXIN (Rhodobactercapsulatus) |
PF00258(Flavodoxin_1) | 3 | LYS A 33PRO A 34LEU A 35 | None | 0.75A | 3tpxE-2wc1A:undetectable | 3tpxE-2wc1A:13.66 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 2yv9 | CHLORIDEINTRACELLULARCHANNEL EXC-4 (Caenorhabditiselegans) |
no annotation | 3 | LYS A 16PRO A 17LEU A 18 | None | 0.81A | 3tpxE-2yv9A:undetectable | 3tpxE-2yv9A:15.97 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 2zat | DEHYDROGENASE/REDUCTASE SDR FAMILYMEMBER 4 (Sus scrofa) |
PF13561(adh_short_C2) | 3 | LYS A 10PRO A 11LEU A 12 | None | 0.72A | 3tpxE-2zatA:undetectable | 3tpxE-2zatA:16.54 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 3a62 | RIBOSOMAL PROTEIN S6KINASE BETA-1 (Homo sapiens) |
PF00069(Pkinase) | 3 | LYS A 370PRO A 371LEU A 372 | None | 0.82A | 3tpxE-3a62A:undetectable | 3tpxE-3a62A:17.24 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 3acz | METHIONINEGAMMA-LYASE (Entamoebahistolytica) |
PF01053(Cys_Met_Meta_PP) | 3 | LYS A 190PRO A 191LEU A 192 | None | 0.85A | 3tpxE-3aczA:undetectable | 3tpxE-3aczA:13.51 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 3b64 | MACROPHAGE MIGRATIONINHIBITORYFACTOR-LIKE PROTEIN (Leishmaniamajor) |
PF01187(MIF) | 3 | LYS A 33PRO A 34LEU A 37 | None | 0.77A | 3tpxE-3b64A:undetectable | 3tpxE-3b64A:20.17 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 3bci | DISULFIDE BONDPROTEIN A (Staphylococcusaureus) |
PF13462(Thioredoxin_4) | 3 | LYS A 15PRO A 16LEU A 17 | None | 0.87A | 3tpxE-3bciA:undetectable | 3tpxE-3bciA:19.89 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 3e0m | PEPTIDE METHIONINESULFOXIDE REDUCTASEMSRA/MSRB 1 (Streptococcuspneumoniae) |
PF01625(PMSR)PF01641(SelR) | 3 | LYS A 159PRO A 160LEU A 161 | None | 0.82A | 3tpxE-3e0mA:undetectable | 3tpxE-3e0mA:15.16 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 3ec8 | PUTATIVEUNCHARACTERIZEDPROTEIN FLJ10324 (Homo sapiens) |
PF00788(RA) | 3 | LYS A 139PRO A 140LEU A 141 | None | 0.69A | 3tpxE-3ec8A:undetectable | 3tpxE-3ec8A:21.09 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 3ezh | NITRATE/NITRITESENSOR PROTEIN NARX (Escherichiacoli) |
PF13675(PilJ) | 3 | LYS A 71PRO A 72LEU A 73 | None | 0.60A | 3tpxE-3ezhA:undetectable | 3tpxE-3ezhA:19.67 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 3fgw | PUTATIVEPHOSPHOLIPASE B-LIKE2 (Mus musculus) |
PF04916(Phospholip_B) | 3 | LYS A 215PRO A 216LEU A 217 | IOD A 16 (-4.5A)IOD A 16 ( 4.2A)IOD A 16 (-4.3A) | 0.66A | 3tpxE-3fgwA:undetectable | 3tpxE-3fgwA:12.04 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 3g5b | NETRIN RECEPTORUNC5B (Rattusnorvegicus) |
PF00531(Death)PF00791(ZU5)PF17217(UPA) | 3 | LYS A 743PRO A 744LEU A 745 | None | 0.81A | 3tpxE-3g5bA:undetectable | 3tpxE-3g5bA:11.94 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 3gb4 | DDMC (Stenotrophomonasmaltophilia) |
PF00355(Rieske)PF00848(Ring_hydroxyl_A) | 3 | LYS A 21PRO A 22LEU A 23 | None | 0.87A | 3tpxE-3gb4A:undetectable | 3tpxE-3gb4A:13.15 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 3h9u | ADENOSYLHOMOCYSTEINASE (Trypanosomabrucei) |
PF00670(AdoHcyase_NAD)PF05221(AdoHcyase) | 3 | LYS A 40PRO A 41LEU A 42 | None | 0.79A | 3tpxE-3h9uA:undetectable | 3tpxE-3h9uA:13.42 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 3hlk | ACYL-COENZYME ATHIOESTERASE 2,MITOCHONDRIAL (Homo sapiens) |
PF04775(Bile_Hydr_Trans)PF08840(BAAT_C) | 3 | LYS A 150PRO A 151LEU A 152 | None | 0.86A | 3tpxE-3hlkA:undetectable | 3tpxE-3hlkA:10.05 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 3hq2 | BACILLUS SUBTILISM32 CARBOXYPEPTIDASE (Bacillussubtilis) |
PF02074(Peptidase_M32) | 3 | LYS A 469PRO A 470LEU A 471 | None | 0.78A | 3tpxE-3hq2A:undetectable | 3tpxE-3hq2A:10.42 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 3hrx | PROBABLE ENOYL-COAHYDRATASE (Thermusthermophilus) |
PF00378(ECH_1) | 3 | LYS A 92PRO A 93LEU A 94 | None | 0.85A | 3tpxE-3hrxA:undetectable | 3tpxE-3hrxA:18.49 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 3ial | PROLYL-TRNASYNTHETASE (Giardiaintestinalis) |
PF00587(tRNA-synt_2b)PF03129(HGTP_anticodon)PF09180(ProRS-C_1) | 3 | LYS A 184PRO A 185LEU A 186 | None | 0.74A | 3tpxE-3ialA:undetectable | 3tpxE-3ialA:9.46 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 3iu6 | PROTEIN POLYBROMO-1 (Homo sapiens) |
PF00439(Bromodomain) | 3 | LYS A 785PRO A 786LEU A 788 | None | 0.79A | 3tpxE-3iu6A:undetectable | 3tpxE-3iu6A:18.92 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 3l4g | PHENYLALANYL-TRNASYNTHETASE BETACHAIN (Homo sapiens) |
PF03483(B3_4)PF03484(B5) | 3 | LYS B 217PRO B 218LEU B 219 | None | 0.72A | 3tpxE-3l4gB:undetectable | 3tpxE-3l4gB:10.40 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 3m6c | 60 KDA CHAPERONIN 1 (Mycobacteriumtuberculosis) |
PF00118(Cpn60_TCP1) | 3 | LYS A 243PRO A 244LEU A 245 | None | 0.86A | 3tpxE-3m6cA:undetectable | 3tpxE-3m6cA:18.04 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 3mmp | ELONGATION FACTOR TU2, ELONGATION FACTORTS (Escherichiacoli) |
PF00009(GTP_EFTU)PF00889(EF_TS)PF03143(GTP_EFTU_D3)PF03144(GTP_EFTU_D2) | 3 | LYS A1208PRO A1209LEU A1211 | None | 0.86A | 3tpxE-3mmpA:undetectable | 3tpxE-3mmpA:8.49 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 3nke | PROTEIN YGBT (Escherichiacoli) |
PF01867(Cas_Cas1) | 3 | LYS A 211PRO A 212LEU A 213 | None | 0.72A | 3tpxE-3nkeA:undetectable | 3tpxE-3nkeA:17.17 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 3o9p | PERIPLASMIC MUREINPEPTIDE-BINDINGPROTEIN (Escherichiacoli) |
PF00496(SBP_bac_5) | 3 | LYS A 355PRO A 356LEU A 357 | None | 0.80A | 3tpxE-3o9pA:undetectable | 3tpxE-3o9pA:12.21 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 3oht | P38A (Salmo salar) |
PF00069(Pkinase) | 3 | LYS A 153PRO A 154LEU A 157 | None | 0.73A | 3tpxE-3ohtA:undetectable | 3tpxE-3ohtA:11.76 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 3pvs | REPLICATION-ASSOCIATED RECOMBINATIONPROTEIN A (Escherichiacoli) |
PF00004(AAA)PF12002(MgsA_C)PF16193(AAA_assoc_2) | 3 | LYS A 39PRO A 40LEU A 41 | None | 0.81A | 3tpxE-3pvsA:undetectable | 3tpxE-3pvsA:11.19 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 3rf7 | IRON-CONTAININGALCOHOLDEHYDROGENASE (Shewanelladenitrificans) |
PF00465(Fe-ADH) | 3 | LYS A 48PRO A 49LEU A 50 | NAD A 358 (-4.6A)NoneNone | 0.66A | 3tpxE-3rf7A:undetectable | 3tpxE-3rf7A:16.31 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 3rlf | MALTOSE/MALTODEXTRINIMPORT ATP-BINDINGPROTEIN MALK (Escherichiacoli) |
PF00005(ABC_tran)PF08402(TOBE_2) | 3 | LYS A 217PRO A 218LEU A 219 | None | 0.50A | 3tpxE-3rlfA:undetectable | 3tpxE-3rlfA:11.76 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 3rr5 | DNA LIGASE (Thermococcussp. 1519) |
PF01068(DNA_ligase_A_M)PF04675(DNA_ligase_A_N)PF04679(DNA_ligase_A_C) | 3 | LYS A 301PRO A 302LEU A 300 | None | 0.83A | 3tpxE-3rr5A:undetectable | 3tpxE-3rr5A:11.04 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 3s5t | DUF3298 FAMILYPROTEIN (Bacteroidesfragilis) |
PF11738(DUF3298)PF13739(DUF4163) | 3 | LYS A 52PRO A 53LEU A 46 | None | 0.87A | 3tpxE-3s5tA:undetectable | 3tpxE-3s5tA:18.52 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 3skv | SSFX3 (Streptomycessp. SF2575) |
PF13472(Lipase_GDSL_2) | 3 | LYS A 165PRO A 166LEU A 198 | None | 0.85A | 3tpxE-3skvA:undetectable | 3tpxE-3skvA:17.79 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 3ta6 | TRIOSEPHOSPHATEISOMERASE (Mycobacteriumtuberculosis) |
PF00121(TIM) | 3 | LYS A 4PRO A 5LEU A 6 | None | 0.82A | 3tpxE-3ta6A:undetectable | 3tpxE-3ta6A:15.10 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 3ty4 | PROBABLEHOMOISOCITRATEDEHYDROGENASE (Schizosaccharomycespombe) |
PF00180(Iso_dh) | 3 | LYS A 188PRO A 189LEU A 190 | NoneNoneGOL A 364 ( 4.2A) | 0.84A | 3tpxE-3ty4A:undetectable | 3tpxE-3ty4A:14.98 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 3ubm | FORMYL-COA:OXALATECOA-TRANSFERASE (Acetobacteraceti) |
PF02515(CoA_transf_3) | 3 | LYS A 9PRO A 10LEU A 11 | None | 0.75A | 3tpxE-3ubmA:undetectable | 3tpxE-3ubmA:11.98 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 3ugk | SACCHAROPINEDEHYDROGENASE [NAD+,L-LYSINE-FORMING] (Saccharomycescerevisiae) |
PF05222(AlaDh_PNT_N) | 3 | LYS A 13PRO A 14LEU A 15 | None | 0.69A | 3tpxE-3ugkA:undetectable | 3tpxE-3ugkA:12.53 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 3uon | HUMAN M2 MUSCARINICACETYLCHOLINE,RECEPTOR T4 LYSOZYMEFUSION PROTEIN (Homo sapiens;Escherichiavirus T4) |
PF00001(7tm_1)PF00959(Phage_lysozyme) | 3 | LYS A 127PRO A 128LEU A 129 | None | 0.56A | 3tpxE-3uonA:undetectable | 3tpxE-3uonA:11.70 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 3vcr | PUTATIVE KDPG(2-KETO-3-DEOXY-6-PHOSPHOGLUCONATE)ALDOLASE (Oleispiraantarctica) |
PF01081(Aldolase) | 3 | LYS A 12PRO A 13LEU A 14 | None | 0.64A | 3tpxE-3vcrA:undetectable | 3tpxE-3vcrA:17.45 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 3vuu | ERYTHROCYTE MEMBRANEPROTEIN, PUTATIVE (Plasmodiumfalciparum) |
PF05424(Duffy_binding) | 3 | LYS A 302PRO A 303LEU A 293 | None | 0.61A | 3tpxE-3vuuA:undetectable | 3tpxE-3vuuA:14.80 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 3vuv | ERYTHROCYTE MEMBRANEPROTEIN, PUTATIVE (Plasmodiumfalciparum) |
PF05424(Duffy_binding) | 3 | LYS A 302PRO A 303LEU A 293 | None | 0.73A | 3tpxE-3vuvA:undetectable | 3tpxE-3vuvA:14.51 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 3zuq | BOTULINUM NEUROTOXINTYPE B (Clostridiumbotulinum) |
PF01742(Peptidase_M27)PF07952(Toxin_trans) | 3 | LYS A 102PRO A 103LEU A 104 | None | 0.64A | 3tpxE-3zuqA:undetectable | 3tpxE-3zuqA:7.43 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 4a27 | SYNAPTIC VESICLEMEMBRANE PROTEINVAT-1 HOMOLOG-LIKE (Homo sapiens) |
PF08240(ADH_N)PF13602(ADH_zinc_N_2) | 3 | LYS A 267PRO A 268LEU A 269 | None | 0.44A | 3tpxE-4a27A:undetectable | 3tpxE-4a27A:13.62 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 4aip | FE-REGULATED PROTEINB (Neisseriameningitidis) |
PF00593(TonB_dep_Rec)PF07715(Plug) | 3 | LYS A 695PRO A 696LEU A 697 | None | 0.82A | 3tpxE-4aipA:undetectable | 3tpxE-4aipA:9.06 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 4az3 | LYSOSOMAL PROTECTIVEPROTEIN 20 KDA CHAIN (Homo sapiens) |
PF00450(Peptidase_S10) | 3 | LYS B 435PRO B 436LEU B 437 | None | 0.71A | 3tpxE-4az3B:undetectable | 3tpxE-4az3B:21.38 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 4dqa | UNCHARACTERIZEDPROTEIN (Bacteroidesovatus) |
PF08522(DUF1735)PF13385(Laminin_G_3) | 3 | LYS A 160PRO A 161LEU A 162 | None | 0.73A | 3tpxE-4dqaA:undetectable | 3tpxE-4dqaA:13.06 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 4hfs | UNCHARACTERIZEDPROTEIN YNCM (Bacillussubtilis) |
PF15493(YrpD) | 3 | LYS A 115PRO A 116LEU A 117 | SO4 A 302 (-2.9A)NoneNone | 0.71A | 3tpxE-4hfsA:undetectable | 3tpxE-4hfsA:15.96 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 4iru | LEPB (Legionellapneumophila) |
no annotation | 3 | LYS A 327PRO A 328LEU A 329 | None | 0.84A | 3tpxE-4iruA:undetectable | 3tpxE-4iruA:14.29 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 4jw1 | EFFECTOR PROTEIN B (Legionellapneumophila) |
no annotation | 3 | LYS A 327PRO A 328LEU A 329 | None | 0.81A | 3tpxE-4jw1A:undetectable | 3tpxE-4jw1A:9.83 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 4kfv | GOLGIREASSEMBLY-STACKINGPROTEIN 1 (Rattusnorvegicus) |
PF04495(GRASP55_65) | 3 | LYS A 158PRO A 159LEU A 160 | None | 0.86A | 3tpxE-4kfvA:undetectable | 3tpxE-4kfvA:16.67 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 4mwt | LYSOSOMAL PROTECTIVEPROTEIN (Homo sapiens) |
PF00450(Peptidase_S10) | 3 | LYS A 435PRO A 436LEU A 437 | LYS A 435 ( 0.0A)PRO A 436 ( 1.1A)LEU A 437 ( 0.6A) | 0.68A | 3tpxE-4mwtA:undetectable | 3tpxE-4mwtA:11.59 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 4nt1 | ACCELERATED-CELL-DEATH 11 (Arabidopsisthaliana) |
PF08718(GLTP) | 3 | LYS A 8PRO A 9LEU A 10 | None | 0.45A | 3tpxE-4nt1A:undetectable | 3tpxE-4nt1A:15.82 |