List of similar pattern of amino acids derived from ASSAM searchHit | Macromolecule/ Organism |
Pfam | Res. | Interface | HETATM | RMSD | Dali Z-score | Seq. Identity (%) | View | Dock | |
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 1crk | CREATINE KINASE (Gallus gallus) |
PF00217(ATP-gua_Ptrans)PF02807(ATP-gua_PtransN) | 3 | MET A 241VAL A 352GLU A 118 | None | 0.86A | 3c6gA-1crkA:0.0 | 3c6gA-1crkA:20.65 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 1ddg | SULFITE REDUCTASE(NADPH) FLAVOPROTEINALPHA-COMPONENT (Escherichiacoli) |
PF00175(NAD_binding_1)PF00667(FAD_binding_1) | 3 | MET A 471VAL A 506GLU A 501 | None | 0.86A | 3c6gA-1ddgA:0.0 | 3c6gA-1ddgA:21.19 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 1gpe | PROTEIN (GLUCOSEOXIDASE) (Penicilliumamagasakiense) |
PF00732(GMC_oxred_N)PF05199(GMC_oxred_C) | 3 | MET A 528VAL A 398GLU A 531 | None | 0.89A | 3c6gA-1gpeA:0.0 | 3c6gA-1gpeA:21.99 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 1gyq | PROTEIN(GLYCERALDEHYDE-3-PHOSPHATEDEHYDROGENASE) (Leishmaniamexicana) |
PF00044(Gp_dh_N)PF02800(Gp_dh_C) | 3 | MET A 146VAL A 161GLU A 152 | None | 0.90A | 3c6gA-1gyqA:0.0 | 3c6gA-1gyqA:19.60 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 1qsa | PROTEIN (SOLUBLELYTICTRANSGLYCOSYLASESLT70) (Escherichiacoli) |
PF01464(SLT)PF14718(SLT_L) | 3 | MET A 385VAL A 408GLU A 403 | None | 0.69A | 3c6gA-1qsaA:0.0 | 3c6gA-1qsaA:20.53 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 1rh9 | ENDO-BETA-MANNANASE (Solanumlycopersicum) |
PF00150(Cellulase) | 3 | MET A 367VAL A 362GLU A 380 | None | 0.81A | 3c6gA-1rh9A:0.0 | 3c6gA-1rh9A:21.22 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 1rpn | GDP-MANNOSE4,6-DEHYDRATASE (Pseudomonasaeruginosa) |
PF16363(GDP_Man_Dehyd) | 3 | MET A 255VAL A 313GLU A 261 | None | 0.71A | 3c6gA-1rpnA:undetectable | 3c6gA-1rpnA:20.24 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 1suu | DNA GYRASE SUBUNIT A (Borreliellaburgdorferi) |
PF03989(DNA_gyraseA_C) | 3 | MET A 727VAL A 759GLU A 784 | None | 0.86A | 3c6gA-1suuA:0.0 | 3c6gA-1suuA:21.12 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 1t3v | CONSERVEDHYPOTHETICAL PROTEIN (Thermotogamaritima) |
PF02579(Nitro_FeMo-Co) | 3 | MET A 84VAL A 68GLU A 82 | None | 0.76A | 3c6gA-1t3vA:0.0 | 3c6gA-1t3vA:13.15 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 1ulz | PYRUVATE CARBOXYLASEN-TERMINAL DOMAIN (Aquifexaeolicus) |
PF00289(Biotin_carb_N)PF02785(Biotin_carb_C)PF02786(CPSase_L_D2) | 3 | MET A 288VAL A 258GLU A 209 | None | 0.91A | 3c6gA-1ulzA:undetectable | 3c6gA-1ulzA:22.43 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 1v5x | PHOSPHORIBOSYLANTHRANILATE ISOMERASE (Thermusthermophilus) |
PF00697(PRAI) | 3 | MET A 71VAL A 93GLU A 66 | None | 0.66A | 3c6gA-1v5xA:undetectable | 3c6gA-1v5xA:18.53 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 1xkd | ISOCITRATEDEHYDROGENASE (Aeropyrumpernix) |
PF00180(Iso_dh) | 3 | MET A 213VAL A 302GLU A 218 | None | 0.81A | 3c6gA-1xkdA:undetectable | 3c6gA-1xkdA:21.54 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 1xr4 | PUTATIVE CITRATELYASE ALPHACHAIN/CITRATE-ACPTRANSFERASE (Salmonellaenterica) |
PF04223(CitF) | 3 | MET A 289VAL A 281GLU A 259 | None | 0.85A | 3c6gA-1xr4A:undetectable | 3c6gA-1xr4A:20.48 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 1y6z | HEAT SHOCK PROTEIN,PUTATIVE (Plasmodiumfalciparum) |
PF00183(HSP90) | 3 | MET A 134VAL A 174GLU A 169 | None | 0.87A | 3c6gA-1y6zA:undetectable | 3c6gA-1y6zA:19.96 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 1y8p | [PYRUVATEDEHYDROGENASE[LIPOAMIDE]] KINASEISOZYME 3 (Homo sapiens) |
PF02518(HATPase_c)PF10436(BCDHK_Adom3) | 3 | MET A 47VAL A 104GLU A 95 | None | 0.69A | 3c6gA-1y8pA:undetectable | 3c6gA-1y8pA:21.47 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 2b8e | CATION-TRANSPORTINGATPASE (Archaeoglobusfulgidus) |
PF00702(Hydrolase) | 3 | MET A 506VAL A 532GLU A 491 | None | 0.86A | 3c6gA-2b8eA:undetectable | 3c6gA-2b8eA:21.59 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 2bjo | ORGANICHYDROPEROXIDERESISTANCE PROTEINOHRB (Bacillussubtilis) |
PF02566(OsmC) | 3 | MET A 82VAL A 129GLU A 45 | None | 0.69A | 3c6gA-2bjoA:undetectable | 3c6gA-2bjoA:12.84 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 2e3d | UTP--GLUCOSE-1-PHOSPHATEURIDYLYLTRANSFERASE (Escherichiacoli) |
PF00483(NTP_transferase) | 3 | MET A 155VAL A 169GLU A 255 | None | 0.87A | 3c6gA-2e3dA:undetectable | 3c6gA-2e3dA:21.06 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 2fg1 | CONSERVEDHYPOTHETICAL PROTEINBT1257 (Bacteroidesthetaiotaomicron) |
PF01661(Macro) | 3 | MET A 79VAL A 20GLU A 106 | None | 0.82A | 3c6gA-2fg1A:undetectable | 3c6gA-2fg1A:17.99 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 2fr1 | ERYTHROMYCINSYNTHASE, ERYAI (Saccharopolysporaerythraea) |
PF08659(KR) | 3 | MET A1864VAL A1450GLU A1867 | None | 0.75A | 3c6gA-2fr1A:undetectable | 3c6gA-2fr1A:21.16 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 2i99 | MU-CRYSTALLINHOMOLOG (Homo sapiens) |
PF02423(OCD_Mu_crystall) | 3 | MET A 295VAL A 248GLU A 257 | None | 0.67A | 3c6gA-2i99A:undetectable | 3c6gA-2i99A:21.55 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 2j1q | ARGININE KINASE (Trypanosomacruzi) |
PF00217(ATP-gua_Ptrans)PF02807(ATP-gua_PtransN) | 3 | MET A 159VAL A 152GLU A 255 | None | 0.86A | 3c6gA-2j1qA:undetectable | 3c6gA-2j1qA:22.06 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 2jvl | TRMBF1 (Trichodermareesei) |
PF01381(HTH_3) | 3 | MET A 98VAL A 135GLU A 95 | None | 0.91A | 3c6gA-2jvlA:undetectable | 3c6gA-2jvlA:14.43 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 2po2 | PROBABLE EXOSOMECOMPLEX EXONUCLEASE2 (Pyrococcusabyssi) |
PF01138(RNase_PH)PF03725(RNase_PH_C) | 3 | MET B 125VAL B 189GLU B 185 | None | 0.71A | 3c6gA-2po2B:undetectable | 3c6gA-2po2B:21.07 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 2qeu | PUTATIVECARBOXYMUCONOLACTONEDECARBOXYLASE (Paraburkholderiaxenovorans) |
PF02627(CMD) | 3 | MET A 92VAL A 72GLU A 100 | None | 0.90A | 3c6gA-2qeuA:undetectable | 3c6gA-2qeuA:15.76 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 2vbi | PYRUVATEDECARBOXYLASE (Acetobacterpasteurianus) |
PF00205(TPP_enzyme_M)PF02775(TPP_enzyme_C)PF02776(TPP_enzyme_N) | 3 | MET A 406VAL A 402GLU A 383 | None | 0.90A | 3c6gA-2vbiA:undetectable | 3c6gA-2vbiA:21.84 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 2voy | CATION-TRANSPORTINGATPASE (Archaeoglobusfulgidus) |
PF00702(Hydrolase) | 3 | MET J 506VAL J 532GLU J 491 | None | 0.87A | 3c6gA-2voyJ:undetectable | 3c6gA-2voyJ:15.27 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 2vpw | NRFC PROTEINTHIOSULFATEREDUCTASE (Thermusthermophilus) |
PF00384(Molybdopterin)PF01568(Molydop_binding)PF04879(Molybdop_Fe4S4)PF13247(Fer4_11) | 3 | MET B 25VAL A 62GLU A 66 | None | 0.70A | 3c6gA-2vpwB:undetectable | 3c6gA-2vpwB:17.86 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 2wvg | PYRUVATEDECARBOXYLASE (Zymomonasmobilis) |
PF00205(TPP_enzyme_M)PF02775(TPP_enzyme_C)PF02776(TPP_enzyme_N) | 3 | MET A 410VAL A 406GLU A 387 | None | 0.83A | 3c6gA-2wvgA:undetectable | 3c6gA-2wvgA:22.44 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 2xdf | PHOSPHOENOLPYRUVATE-PROTEINPHOSPHOTRANSFERASE (Escherichiacoli) |
PF00391(PEP-utilizers)PF02896(PEP-utilizers_C)PF05524(PEP-utilisers_N) | 3 | MET A 501VAL A 488GLU A 431 | None | 0.84A | 3c6gA-2xdfA:undetectable | 3c6gA-2xdfA:23.03 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 3aux | DNA DOUBLE-STRANDBREAK REPAIR RAD50ATPASE (Methanocaldococcusjannaschii) |
PF13476(AAA_23) | 3 | MET A 10VAL A1001GLU A 7 | None | 0.91A | 3c6gA-3auxA:undetectable | 3c6gA-3auxA:22.11 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 3d34 | SPONDIN-2 (Homo sapiens) |
PF06468(Spond_N) | 3 | MET A 57VAL A 97GLU A 83 | None | 0.86A | 3c6gA-3d34A:undetectable | 3c6gA-3d34A:19.20 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 3gd7 | FUSION COMPLEX OFCYSTIC FIBROSISTRANSMEMBRANECONDUCTANCEREGULATOR, RESIDUES1193-1427 ANDMALTOSE/MALTODEXTRINIMPORT ATP-BINDINGPROTEIN MALK,RESIDUES 219-371 (Escherichiacoli;Homo sapiens) |
PF00005(ABC_tran)PF08402(TOBE_2) | 3 | MET A1469VAL A1507GLU A1466 | None | 0.87A | 3c6gA-3gd7A:undetectable | 3c6gA-3gd7A:21.59 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 3ge6 | NITROREDUCTASE (Exiguobacteriumsibiricum) |
PF00881(Nitroreductase) | 3 | MET A 33VAL A 151GLU A 38 | None | 0.78A | 3c6gA-3ge6A:undetectable | 3c6gA-3ge6A:17.86 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 3gge | PDZDOMAIN-CONTAININGPROTEIN GIPC2 (Homo sapiens) |
PF00595(PDZ) | 3 | MET A 193VAL A 178GLU A 163 | None | 0.91A | 3c6gA-3ggeA:undetectable | 3c6gA-3ggeA:12.29 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 3guv | SITE-SPECIFICRECOMBINASE,RESOLVASE FAMILYPROTEIN (Streptococcuspneumoniae) |
PF00239(Resolvase) | 3 | MET A 32VAL A 80GLU A 46 | None | 0.88A | 3c6gA-3guvA:undetectable | 3c6gA-3guvA:16.28 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 3hkm | OS03G0854200 PROTEIN (Oryza sativa) |
PF01138(RNase_PH) | 3 | MET A 203VAL A 151GLU A 206 | None | 0.73A | 3c6gA-3hkmA:undetectable | 3c6gA-3hkmA:19.14 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 3iic | CHEC DOMAIN PROTEIN (Shewanellaloihica) |
PF13690(CheX) | 3 | MET A 73VAL A 85GLU A 68 | None | 0.91A | 3c6gA-3iicA:undetectable | 3c6gA-3iicA:14.50 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 3j09 | COPPER-EXPORTINGP-TYPE ATPASE A (Archaeoglobusfulgidus) |
PF00122(E1-E2_ATPase)PF00403(HMA)PF00702(Hydrolase) | 3 | MET A 506VAL A 532GLU A 491 | None | 0.87A | 3c6gA-3j09A:undetectable | 3c6gA-3j09A:21.74 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 3ln6 | GLUTATHIONEBIOSYNTHESISBIFUNCTIONAL PROTEINGSHAB (Streptococcusagalactiae) |
PF01071(GARS_A)PF04262(Glu_cys_ligase) | 3 | MET A 688VAL A 695GLU A 686 | None | 0.74A | 3c6gA-3ln6A:undetectable | 3c6gA-3ln6A:19.42 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 3oyt | 3-OXOACYL-[ACYL-CARRIER-PROTEIN]SYNTHASE I (Yersinia pestis) |
PF00109(ketoacyl-synt)PF02801(Ketoacyl-synt_C) | 3 | MET A 331VAL A 22GLU A 343 | NoneNone K A 408 (-3.5A) | 0.91A | 3c6gA-3oytA:undetectable | 3c6gA-3oytA:22.61 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 3pry | HEAT SHOCK PROTEINHSP 90-BETA (Homo sapiens) |
PF00183(HSP90) | 3 | MET A 466VAL A 511GLU A 471 | None | 0.91A | 3c6gA-3pryA:undetectable | 3c6gA-3pryA:22.20 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 3q3h | HMW1C-LIKEGLYCOSYLTRANSFERASE (Actinobacilluspleuropneumoniae) |
no annotation | 3 | MET A 323VAL A 318GLU A 328 | None | 0.82A | 3c6gA-3q3hA:undetectable | 3c6gA-3q3hA:22.16 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 3q4t | ACTIVIN RECEPTORTYPE-2A (Homo sapiens) |
PF00069(Pkinase) | 3 | MET A 482VAL A 475GLU A 456 | None | 0.88A | 3c6gA-3q4tA:undetectable | 3c6gA-3q4tA:20.53 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 3qi6 | CYSTATHIONINEGAMMA-SYNTHASE METB(CGS) (Mycobacteriumulcerans) |
PF01053(Cys_Met_Meta_PP) | 3 | MET A 262VAL A 371GLU A 267 | None | 0.56A | 3c6gA-3qi6A:undetectable | 3c6gA-3qi6A:22.20 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 3r97 | MALONYL COA-ACPTRANSACYLASE (Xanthomonasoryzae) |
PF00698(Acyl_transf_1) | 3 | MET A 123VAL A 198GLU A 62 | None | 0.84A | 3c6gA-3r97A:undetectable | 3c6gA-3r97A:21.49 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 3rlf | MALTOSE/MALTODEXTRINIMPORT ATP-BINDINGPROTEIN MALK (Escherichiacoli) |
PF00005(ABC_tran)PF08402(TOBE_2) | 3 | MET A 260VAL A 298GLU A 257 | None | 0.59A | 3c6gA-3rlfA:undetectable | 3c6gA-3rlfA:19.64 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 3rpl | D-FRUCTOSE1,6-BISPHOSPHATASECLASS2/SEDOHEPTULOSE1,7-BISPHOSPHATASE (Synechocystissp. PCC 6803) |
PF03320(FBPase_glpX) | 3 | MET A 44VAL A 13GLU A 8 | None | 0.81A | 3c6gA-3rplA:undetectable | 3c6gA-3rplA:21.34 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 3tdm | COMPUTATIONALLYDESIGNED TWO-FOLDSYMMETRIC TIM-BARRELPROTEIN, FLR (HALFMOLECULE) (syntheticconstruct) |
PF00977(His_biosynth) | 3 | MET A 86VAL A 100GLU A 91 | None | 0.89A | 3c6gA-3tdmA:undetectable | 3c6gA-3tdmA:14.10 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 3tz1 | TROPONIN C (Chlamysnipponensis) |
PF13499(EF-hand_7) | 3 | MET A 147VAL A 138GLU A 129 | None | 0.83A | 3c6gA-3tz1A:undetectable | 3c6gA-3tz1A:10.17 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 3u37 | ACETYL-XYLANESTERASE EST2A (Butyrivibrioproteoclasticus) |
PF13472(Lipase_GDSL_2) | 3 | MET A 90VAL A 43GLU A 47 | None | 0.75A | 3c6gA-3u37A:undetectable | 3c6gA-3u37A:21.88 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 3u9i | MANDELATERACEMASE/MUCONATELACTONIZING ENZYME,C-TERMINAL DOMAINPROTEIN (Roseiflexus sp.RS-1) |
PF02746(MR_MLE_N)PF13378(MR_MLE_C) | 3 | MET A 282VAL A 317GLU A 109 | None | 0.77A | 3c6gA-3u9iA:undetectable | 3c6gA-3u9iA:19.61 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 3vte | TETRAHYDROCANNABINOLIC ACID SYNTHASE (Cannabis sativa) |
PF01565(FAD_binding_4)PF08031(BBE) | 3 | MET A 397VAL A 465GLU A 402 | None | 0.70A | 3c6gA-3vteA:undetectable | 3c6gA-3vteA:23.08 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 4aej | COLLAGENALPHA-1(III) CHAIN (Homo sapiens) |
PF01410(COLFI) | 3 | MET A 75VAL A 71GLU A 79 | NoneNoneGOL A1246 (-3.1A) | 0.83A | 3c6gA-4aejA:undetectable | 3c6gA-4aejA:20.96 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 4bva | THIOMORPHOLINE-CARBOXYLATE DEHYDROGENASE (Mus musculus) |
PF02423(OCD_Mu_crystall) | 3 | MET A 294VAL A 247GLU A 256 | NoneNone T3 A1314 (-3.7A) | 0.72A | 3c6gA-4bvaA:undetectable | 3c6gA-4bvaA:21.37 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 4cgy | DNA TOPOISOMERASE3-ALPHA (Homo sapiens) |
PF01131(Topoisom_bac)PF01751(Toprim) | 3 | MET A 575VAL A 616GLU A 578 | None | 0.90A | 3c6gA-4cgyA:undetectable | 3c6gA-4cgyA:20.10 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 4cok | PYRUVATEDECARBOXYLASE (Gluconacetobacterdiazotrophicus) |
PF00205(TPP_enzyme_M)PF02775(TPP_enzyme_C)PF02776(TPP_enzyme_N) | 3 | MET A 406VAL A 402GLU A 383 | None | 0.86A | 3c6gA-4cokA:undetectable | 3c6gA-4cokA:19.47 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 4d48 | GLUCOSE-1-PHOSPHATEURIDYLYLTRANSFERASE (Erwiniaamylovora) |
PF00483(NTP_transferase) | 3 | MET A 155VAL A 169GLU A 255 | None | 0.87A | 3c6gA-4d48A:undetectable | 3c6gA-4d48A:21.52 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 4ed9 | CAIB/BAIF FAMILYPROTEIN (Brucella suis) |
PF02515(CoA_transf_3) | 3 | MET A 202VAL A 23GLU A 99 | NoneNoneEDO A 404 (-4.1A) | 0.81A | 3c6gA-4ed9A:undetectable | 3c6gA-4ed9A:22.12 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 4evz | HISF-LUCA (syntheticconstruct) |
PF00977(His_biosynth) | 3 | MET A 62VAL A 33GLU A 67 | None | 0.89A | 3c6gA-4evzA:undetectable | 3c6gA-4evzA:21.47 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 4eye | PROBABLEOXIDOREDUCTASE (Mycobacteroidesabscessus) |
PF00107(ADH_zinc_N)PF08240(ADH_N) | 3 | MET A 288VAL A 182GLU A 115 | None | 0.82A | 3c6gA-4eyeA:undetectable | 3c6gA-4eyeA:23.03 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 4f0l | AMIDOHYDROLASE (Brucellaabortus) |
PF01979(Amidohydro_1) | 3 | MET A 278VAL A 238GLU A 258 | None | 0.75A | 3c6gA-4f0lA:undetectable | 3c6gA-4f0lA:22.37 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 4f1n | KPAGO (Vanderwaltozymapolyspora) |
PF02171(Piwi) | 3 | MET A 646VAL A 649GLU A 661 | None | 0.75A | 3c6gA-4f1nA:undetectable | 3c6gA-4f1nA:17.92 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 4fc2 | POLY(ADP-RIBOSE)GLYCOHYDROLASE (Mus musculus) |
PF05028(PARG_cat) | 3 | MET A 907VAL A 953GLU A 913 | None | 0.90A | 3c6gA-4fc2A:undetectable | 3c6gA-4fc2A:22.69 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 4fx5 | VON WILLEBRANDFACTOR TYPE A (Catenulisporaacidiphila) |
PF13768(VWA_3) | 3 | MET A 358VAL A 435GLU A 390 | None | 0.77A | 3c6gA-4fx5A:undetectable | 3c6gA-4fx5A:19.92 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 4j8q | PUTATIVEUNCHARACTERIZEDPROTEIN (Bacteroidesfragilis) |
PF12667(NigD_N)PF17415(NigD_C) | 3 | MET A 159VAL A 107GLU A 175 | None | 0.74A | 3c6gA-4j8qA:undetectable | 3c6gA-4j8qA:20.17 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 4nar | PUTATIVE URONATEISOMERASE (Thermotogamaritima) |
PF09861(DUF2088) | 3 | MET A 298VAL A 375GLU A 372 | None | 0.90A | 3c6gA-4narA:undetectable | 3c6gA-4narA:22.51 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 4oer | NIKA PROTEIN (Brucella suis) |
PF00496(SBP_bac_5) | 3 | MET A 233VAL A 473GLU A 228 | None | 0.71A | 3c6gA-4oerA:undetectable | 3c6gA-4oerA:23.52 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 4um2 | TELOMERASE-BINDINGPROTEIN EST1A (Homo sapiens) |
PF10373(EST1_DNA_bind)PF10374(EST1) | 3 | MET A 939VAL A1026GLU A1021 | None | 0.91A | 3c6gA-4um2A:undetectable | 3c6gA-4um2A:20.45 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 4wcw | RIBOSOMAL SILENCINGFACTOR RSFS (Mycobacteriumtuberculosis) |
PF02410(RsfS) | 3 | MET A 63VAL A 91GLU A 58 | None | 0.86A | 3c6gA-4wcwA:undetectable | 3c6gA-4wcwA:12.94 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 4x8i | LYSYL AMINOPEPTIDASE (Pyrococcusfuriosus) |
PF05343(Peptidase_M42) | 3 | MET A 342VAL A 225GLU A 196 | None | 0.91A | 3c6gA-4x8iA:undetectable | 3c6gA-4x8iA:22.61 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 4xox | 3-OXOACYL-ACPSYNTHASE (Vibrio cholerae) |
PF00109(ketoacyl-synt)PF02801(Ketoacyl-synt_C) | 3 | MET A 327VAL A 22GLU A 339 | None | 0.87A | 3c6gA-4xoxA:undetectable | 3c6gA-4xoxA:22.18 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 4ywh | ABC TRANSPORTERSOLUTE BINDINGPROTEIN (Actinobacillussuccinogenes) |
PF13407(Peripla_BP_4) | 3 | MET A 261VAL A 216GLU A 143 | None | 0.68A | 3c6gA-4ywhA:undetectable | 3c6gA-4ywhA:22.50 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 4zcf | RESTRICTIONENDONUCLEASEECOP15I,MODIFICATION SUBUNIT (Escherichiacoli) |
PF01555(N6_N4_Mtase) | 3 | MET A 109VAL A 117GLU A 187 | None | 0.79A | 3c6gA-4zcfA:undetectable | 3c6gA-4zcfA:22.80 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 5a5l | D-FRUCTOSE1,6-BISPHOSPHATASECLASS2/SEDOHEPTULOSE1,7-BISPHOSPHATASE (Thermosynechococcuselongatus) |
PF03320(FBPase_glpX) | 3 | MET A 44VAL A 13GLU A 8 | None | 0.71A | 3c6gA-5a5lA:undetectable | 3c6gA-5a5lA:22.52 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 5cj5 | ALPHA-1,4-GLUCAN:MALTOSE-1-PHOSPHATEMALTOSYLTRANSFERASE (Mycolicibacteriumthermoresistibile) |
PF00128(Alpha-amylase)PF11896(DUF3416) | 3 | MET A 681VAL A 620GLU A 653 | None | 0.89A | 3c6gA-5cj5A:undetectable | 3c6gA-5cj5A:22.16 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 5cnx | AMINOPEPTIDASE YPDF (Escherichiacoli) |
PF00557(Peptidase_M24)PF01321(Creatinase_N) | 3 | MET A 224VAL A 347GLU A 321 | NoneNone ZN A 401 ( 2.3A) | 0.89A | 3c6gA-5cnxA:undetectable | 3c6gA-5cnxA:20.93 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 5dus | ORF1A (Middle Eastrespiratorysyndrome-relatedcoronavirus) |
PF01661(Macro) | 3 | MET A 114VAL A 14GLU A 144 | None | 0.89A | 3c6gA-5dusA:undetectable | 3c6gA-5dusA:14.19 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 5ejb | FUSION GLYCOPROTEINF0 (Hendrahenipavirus) |
no annotation | 3 | MET B 76VAL B 68GLU B 196 | None | 0.60A | 3c6gA-5ejbB:undetectable | 3c6gA-5ejbB:22.42 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 5eqj | TRNA(ADENINE(58)-N(1))-METHYLTRANSFERASENON-CATALYTICSUBUNIT TRM6 (Saccharomycescerevisiae) |
PF04189(Gcd10p) | 3 | MET A 255VAL A 296GLU A 253 | None | 0.87A | 3c6gA-5eqjA:undetectable | 3c6gA-5eqjA:22.92 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 5f2h | UNCHARACTERIZEDPROTEIN (Bacillus cereus) |
PF02230(Abhydrolase_2) | 3 | MET A 65VAL A 100GLU A 95 | None | 0.82A | 3c6gA-5f2hA:undetectable | 3c6gA-5f2hA:21.86 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 5ha5 | BRUCELLA OVISOXIDOREDUCTASE (Brucella ovis) |
PF13561(adh_short_C2) | 3 | MET A 196VAL A 251GLU A 225 | None | 0.86A | 3c6gA-5ha5A:undetectable | 3c6gA-5ha5A:20.93 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 5hl6 | PUTATIVE GAF SENSORPROTEIN (Burkholderiavietnamiensis) |
PF13185(GAF_2) | 3 | MET A 150VAL A 96GLU A 145 | None | 0.90A | 3c6gA-5hl6A:undetectable | 3c6gA-5hl6A:16.25 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 5i61 | POTENTIALRNA-DEPENDENT RNAPOLYMERASE (Humanpicobirnavirus) |
no annotation | 3 | MET B 428VAL B 81GLU B 190 | None | 0.74A | 3c6gA-5i61B:undetectable | 3c6gA-5i61B:23.26 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 5j49 | UTP--GLUCOSE-1-PHOSPHATEURIDYLYLTRANSFERASE (Paraburkholderiaxenovorans) |
PF00483(NTP_transferase) | 3 | MET A 143VAL A 157GLU A 148 | None | 0.88A | 3c6gA-5j49A:undetectable | 3c6gA-5j49A:22.40 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 5jnz | BETA CHAIN (Acipenserstellatus) |
PF00042(Globin) | 3 | MET B 133VAL B 12GLU B 7 | None | 0.85A | 3c6gA-5jnzB:undetectable | 3c6gA-5jnzB:14.55 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 5me3 | SISTER CHROMATIDCOHESION PROTEIN 2 (Eremotheciumgossypii) |
PF12765(Cohesin_HEAT)PF12830(Nipped-B_C) | 3 | MET A1411VAL A1366GLU A1406 | None | 0.90A | 3c6gA-5me3A:undetectable | 3c6gA-5me3A:16.80 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 5nv3 | RIBULOSEBISPHOSPHATECARBOXYLASE LARGECHAIN (Rhodobactersphaeroides) |
PF00016(RuBisCO_large)PF02788(RuBisCO_large_N) | 3 | MET A 252VAL A 267GLU A 257 | None | 0.91A | 3c6gA-5nv3A:undetectable | 3c6gA-5nv3A:22.32 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 5uj7 | ORIGIN RECOGNITIONCOMPLEX SUBUNIT 1 (Homo sapiens) |
PF00004(AAA)PF09079(Cdc6_C) | 3 | MET A 758VAL A 712GLU A 753 | None | 0.68A | 3c6gA-5uj7A:undetectable | 3c6gA-5uj7A:22.83 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 5ujm | ORIGIN RECOGNITIONCOMPLEX SUBUNIT 1 (Homo sapiens) |
PF00004(AAA)PF09079(Cdc6_C) | 3 | MET A 758VAL A 712GLU A 753 | None | 0.69A | 3c6gA-5ujmA:undetectable | 3c6gA-5ujmA:23.76 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 5uv2 | (+)-LIMONENESYNTHASE (Citrus sinensis) |
PF01397(Terpene_synth)PF03936(Terpene_synth_C) | 3 | MET A 317VAL A 310GLU A 285 | None | 0.87A | 3c6gA-5uv2A:undetectable | 3c6gA-5uv2A:21.38 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 5veg | FLAVODOXIN (Lactobacillusreuteri) |
no annotation | 3 | MET A 64VAL A 54GLU A 67 | None | 0.77A | 3c6gA-5vegA:undetectable | 3c6gA-5vegA:16.67 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 5vol | PUTATIVE ESTERASE (Bacteroidesintestinalis) |
PF00756(Esterase) | 3 | MET A 179VAL A 212GLU A 244 | None | 0.60A | 3c6gA-5volA:undetectable | 3c6gA-5volA:20.12 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 5ywo | 2F2 HEAVY CHAIN (Mus musculus) |
no annotation | 3 | MET N 34VAL N 107GLU N 6 | None | 0.91A | 3c6gA-5ywoN:undetectable | 3c6gA-5ywoN:12.59 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 5z7r | SHORT-CHAIN-ENOYL-COA HYDRATASE (Clostridiumacetobutylicum) |
no annotation | 3 | MET A 1VAL A 6GLU A 42 | None | 0.58A | 3c6gA-5z7rA:undetectable | 3c6gA-5z7rA:12.89 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 6b3y | DENNDOMAIN-CONTAININGPROTEIN 3 (Mus musculus) |
no annotation | 3 | MET A 795VAL A 788GLU A 802 | None | 0.91A | 3c6gA-6b3yA:undetectable | 3c6gA-6b3yA:11.06 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 6bha | CASPASE-3 (Homo sapiens) |
no annotation | 3 | MET A 100VAL A 134GLU A 98 | None | 0.88A | 3c6gA-6bhaA:undetectable | 3c6gA-6bhaA:12.03 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 6eon | BETA-GALACTOSIDASE (Bacteroidesthetaiotaomicron) |
no annotation | 3 | MET A 547VAL A 576GLU A 602 | None | 0.78A | 3c6gA-6eonA:undetectable | 3c6gA-6eonA:21.21 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 6fkh | ATP SYNTHASE SUBUNITBETA, CHLOROPLASTIC (Spinaciaoleracea) |
no annotation | 3 | MET D 247VAL D 77GLU D 284 | None | 0.80A | 3c6gA-6fkhD:undetectable | 3c6gA-6fkhD:12.85 |