List of similar pattern of amino acids derived from ASSAM searchHit | Macromolecule/ Organism |
Pfam | Res. | Interface | HETATM | RMSD | Dali Z-score | Seq. Identity (%) | View | Dock | |
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 1e5d | RUBREDOXIN:OXYGENOXIDOREDUCTASE (Desulfovibriogigas) |
PF00258(Flavodoxin_1)PF00753(Lactamase_B) | 5 | GLY A 227ALA A 173THR A 34ILE A 171GLY A 14 | None | 1.14A | 1utdE-1e5dA:0.01utdF-1e5dA:0.0 | 1utdE-1e5dA:16.211utdF-1e5dA:16.21 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 1l5j | ACONITATE HYDRATASE2 (Escherichiacoli) |
PF00330(Aconitase)PF06434(Aconitase_2_N)PF11791(Aconitase_B_N) | 5 | GLY A 412ALA A 510THR A 500THR A 417SER A 245 | NoneNoneNoneTRA A 866 (-4.0A)TRA A 866 (-2.6A) | 1.14A | 1utdE-1l5jA:undetectable1utdF-1l5jA:undetectable | 1utdE-1l5jA:7.071utdF-1l5jA:7.07 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 1llu | ALCOHOLDEHYDROGENASE (Pseudomonasaeruginosa) |
PF00107(ADH_zinc_N)PF08240(ADH_N) | 5 | GLY A 90ALA A 132THR A 118HIS A 67GLY A 66 | NoneNoneNone ZN A 343 ( 3.3A)None | 1.17A | 1utdE-1lluA:undetectable1utdF-1lluA:undetectable | 1utdE-1lluA:10.881utdF-1lluA:10.88 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 1q8f | PYRIMIDINENUCLEOSIDE HYDROLASE (Escherichiacoli) |
PF01156(IU_nuc_hydro) | 5 | GLY A 152ALA A 174THR A 273ILE A 167THR A 287 | None | 1.10A | 1utdE-1q8fA:undetectable1utdF-1q8fA:undetectable | 1utdE-1q8fA:13.501utdF-1q8fA:13.50 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 1tnu | GERANYLGERANYLTRANSFERASE TYPE IBETA SUBUNIT (Rattusnorvegicus) |
PF00432(Prenyltrans) | 5 | GLY B 209HIS B 219THR B 223ILE B 248GLY B 262 | NoneMGM B 379 (-3.7A)NoneNoneNone | 1.02A | 1utdE-1tnuB:undetectable1utdF-1tnuB:0.0 | 1utdE-1tnuB:12.681utdF-1tnuB:12.68 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 1v9c | PRECORRIN-8X METHYLMUTASE (Thermusthermophilus) |
PF02570(CbiC) | 5 | GLY A 188ALA A 196THR A 49THR A 183THR A 40 | None | 1.17A | 1utdE-1v9cA:undetectable1utdF-1v9cA:undetectable | 1utdE-1v9cA:19.251utdF-1v9cA:19.25 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 1vcg | ISOPENTENYL-DIPHOSPHATE DELTA-ISOMERASE (Thermusthermophilus) |
PF01070(FMN_dh) | 5 | ALA A 274THR A 26THR A 243ILE A 247GLY A 216 | NoneNoneNoneNoneFMN A 501 ( 4.0A) | 1.10A | 1utdE-1vcgA:undetectable1utdF-1vcgA:undetectable | 1utdE-1vcgA:10.771utdF-1vcgA:10.77 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 1wd3 | ALPHA-L-ARABINOFURANOSIDASE B (Aspergilluskawachii) |
PF05270(AbfB)PF09206(ArabFuran-catal) | 5 | GLY A 296ALA A 197HIS A 194ILE A 291GLY A 193 | None | 0.80A | 1utdE-1wd3A:0.01utdF-1wd3A:0.3 | 1utdE-1wd3A:9.131utdF-1wd3A:9.13 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 1yy5 | FMS1 PROTEIN (Saccharomycescerevisiae) |
PF01593(Amino_oxidase) | 5 | GLY A 15ALA A 23THR A 252ILE A 13SER A 495 | FAD A 803 (-3.2A)NoneFAD A 803 (-4.6A)NoneNone | 0.97A | 1utdE-1yy5A:0.01utdF-1yy5A:undetectable | 1utdE-1yy5A:9.731utdF-1yy5A:9.73 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 1zuw | GLUTAMATE RACEMASE 1 (Bacillussubtilis) |
PF01177(Asp_Glu_race) | 5 | HIS A 187THR A 121THR A 118GLY A 184THR A 186 | DGL A1301 (-4.2A)NoneDGL A1301 (-3.5A)NoneDGL A1301 (-3.1A) | 1.06A | 1utdE-1zuwA:undetectable1utdF-1zuwA:undetectable | 1utdE-1zuwA:13.971utdF-1zuwA:13.97 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 2b42 | XYLANASE INHIBITOR-I (Triticumaestivum) |
PF14541(TAXi_C)PF14543(TAXi_N) | 5 | HIS A 21ALA A 141ILE A 18GLY A 119THR A 100 | None | 1.01A | 1utdE-2b42A:undetectable1utdF-2b42A:undetectable | 1utdE-2b42A:10.501utdF-2b42A:10.50 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 2c79 | GLYCOSIDE HYDROLASE,FAMILY11:CLOSTRIDIUMCELLULOSOME ENZYME,DOCKERIN TYPEI:POLYSACCHARIDE (Ruminiclostridiumthermocellum) |
PF01522(Polysacc_deac_1) | 5 | GLY A 537THR A 659HIS A 534THR A 510GLY A 533 | None | 1.02A | 1utdE-2c79A:undetectable1utdF-2c79A:undetectable | 1utdE-2c79A:14.851utdF-2c79A:14.85 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 2ctr | DNAJ HOMOLOGSUBFAMILY B MEMBER 9 (Homo sapiens) |
PF00226(DnaJ) | 5 | GLY A 7ALA A 55ILE A 12GLY A 72THR A 77 | None | 0.99A | 1utdE-2ctrA:undetectable1utdF-2ctrA:undetectable | 1utdE-2ctrA:24.711utdF-2ctrA:24.71 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 2d2x | 2-DEOXY-SCYLLO-INOSOSE SYNTHASE (Bacilluscirculans) |
PF01761(DHQ_synthase) | 5 | THR A 129THR A 128ILE A 49GLY A 104THR A 106 | GOL A 607 (-3.3A)NoneNoneGOL A 607 (-4.1A) CO A 603 (-4.0A) | 1.05A | 1utdE-2d2xA:undetectable1utdF-2d2xA:undetectable | 1utdE-2d2xA:12.471utdF-2d2xA:12.47 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 2det | TRNA-SPECIFIC2-THIOURIDYLASE MNMA (Escherichiacoli) |
PF03054(tRNA_Me_trans) | 5 | ALA A 22ILE A 67GLY A 14THR A 189SER A 18 | NoneNoneSO4 A5001 (-4.0A)NoneSO4 A5001 (-2.7A) | 0.94A | 1utdE-2detA:undetectable1utdF-2detA:undetectable | 1utdE-2detA:11.891utdF-2detA:11.89 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 2dw4 | LYSINE-SPECIFICHISTONE DEMETHYLASE1 (Homo sapiens) |
PF01593(Amino_oxidase)PF04433(SWIRM) | 5 | GLY A 285ALA A 293THR A 624ILE A 283SER A 817 | FAD A1001 (-3.2A)NoneFAD A1001 (-4.9A)NoneNone | 0.90A | 1utdE-2dw4A:undetectable1utdF-2dw4A:undetectable | 1utdE-2dw4A:8.151utdF-2dw4A:8.15 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 2dwu | GLUTAMATE RACEMASE (Bacillusanthracis) |
PF01177(Asp_Glu_race) | 5 | HIS A 190THR A 124THR A 121GLY A 187THR A 189 | DGL A 278 ( 4.5A)NoneDGL A 278 (-3.6A)NoneDGL A 278 (-3.0A) | 1.06A | 1utdE-2dwuA:undetectable1utdF-2dwuA:undetectable | 1utdE-2dwuA:16.501utdF-2dwuA:16.50 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 2fff | PENICILLIN-BINDINGPROTEIN 1B (Streptococcuspneumoniae) |
PF00905(Transpeptidase) | 5 | GLY B 677ALA B 688THR B 417HIS B 682ILE B 676 | NoneNoneNone NI B 901 (-2.8A)None | 1.11A | 1utdE-2fffB:undetectable1utdF-2fffB:undetectable | 1utdE-2fffB:11.031utdF-2fffB:11.03 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 2fja | ADENYLYLSULFATEREDUCTASE, SUBUNIT AADENYLYLSULFATEREDUCTASE, SUBUNIT B (Archaeoglobusfulgidus;Archaeoglobusfulgidus) |
PF00890(FAD_binding_2)PF02910(Succ_DH_flav_C)PF12139(APS-reductase_C)PF13187(Fer4_9) | 5 | GLY A 118HIS A 115ALA B 832ILE B 837GLY A 456 | None | 1.12A | 1utdE-2fjaA:undetectable1utdF-2fjaA:undetectable | 1utdE-2fjaA:7.471utdF-2fjaA:7.47 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 2gtx | METHIONINEAMINOPEPTIDASE (Escherichiacoli) |
PF00557(Peptidase_M24) | 5 | GLY A 107HIS A 106THR A 202THR A 237GLY A 172 | NoneNone MN A 1 ( 3.7A)NoneNone | 1.00A | 1utdE-2gtxA:undetectable1utdF-2gtxA:undetectable | 1utdE-2gtxA:18.591utdF-2gtxA:18.59 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 2gzm | GLUTAMATE RACEMASE (Bacillusanthracis) |
PF01177(Asp_Glu_race) | 5 | HIS A 187THR A 121THR A 118GLY A 184THR A 186 | DGL A 501 (-4.4A)NoneDGL A 501 (-3.6A)NoneDGL A 501 (-3.0A) | 1.06A | 1utdE-2gzmA:undetectable1utdF-2gzmA:undetectable | 1utdE-2gzmA:13.751utdF-2gzmA:13.75 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 2iw0 | CHITIN DEACETYLASE (Colletotrichumlindemuthianum) |
PF01522(Polysacc_deac_1) | 5 | GLY A 102THR A 233HIS A 99THR A 71GLY A 98 | None | 1.06A | 1utdE-2iw0A:undetectable1utdF-2iw0A:undetectable | 1utdE-2iw0A:14.571utdF-2iw0A:14.57 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 2jfq | GLUTAMATE RACEMASE (Staphylococcusaureus) |
PF01177(Asp_Glu_race) | 5 | HIS A 186THR A 119THR A 116GLY A 183THR A 185 | DGL A1267 (-4.4A)NoneDGL A1267 (-3.7A)NoneDGL A1267 (-2.8A) | 1.06A | 1utdE-2jfqA:undetectable1utdF-2jfqA:undetectable | 1utdE-2jfqA:16.221utdF-2jfqA:16.22 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 2vvt | GLUTAMATE RACEMASE (Enterococcusfaecalis) |
PF01177(Asp_Glu_race) | 5 | HIS A 187THR A 121THR A 118GLY A 184THR A 186 | I24 A1269 (-3.9A)NoneDGL A1270 (-3.6A)NoneDGL A1270 (-3.0A) | 1.07A | 1utdE-2vvtA:undetectable1utdF-2vvtA:undetectable | 1utdE-2vvtA:12.761utdF-2vvtA:12.76 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 2w4i | GLUTAMATE RACEMASE (Helicobacterpylori) |
PF01177(Asp_Glu_race) | 5 | HIS A 183THR A 119THR A 116GLY A 180THR A 182 | DGL A1256 ( 4.5A)NoneDGL A1256 (-3.5A)NoneDGL A1256 (-3.1A) | 1.07A | 1utdE-2w4iA:undetectable1utdF-2w4iA:undetectable | 1utdE-2w4iA:14.791utdF-2w4iA:14.79 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 2y8u | CHITIN DEACETYLASE (Aspergillusnidulans) |
PF01522(Polysacc_deac_1) | 5 | GLY A 95THR A 223HIS A 92THR A 69GLY A 91 | None | 0.98A | 1utdE-2y8uA:undetectable1utdF-2y8uA:undetectable | 1utdE-2y8uA:14.601utdF-2y8uA:14.60 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 2z1a | 5'-NUCLEOTIDASE (Thermusthermophilus) |
PF00149(Metallophos)PF02872(5_nucleotid_C) | 5 | GLY A 170ALA A 110HIS A 215ILE A 168GLY A 114 | NoneNone ZN A5648 (-3.4A)NoneNone | 1.13A | 1utdE-2z1aA:undetectable1utdF-2z1aA:undetectable | 1utdE-2z1aA:9.331utdF-2z1aA:9.33 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 3b05 | ISOPENTENYL-DIPHOSPHATE DELTA-ISOMERASE (Sulfolobusshibatae) |
PF01070(FMN_dh) | 5 | ALA A 285THR A 27THR A 254ILE A 258GLY A 222 | NoneNoneNoneNoneFNR A 669 (-3.4A) | 1.16A | 1utdE-3b05A:undetectable1utdF-3b05A:undetectable | 1utdE-3b05A:13.611utdF-3b05A:13.61 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 3b8i | PA4872 OXALOACETATEDECARBOXYLASE (Pseudomonasaeruginosa) |
PF13714(PEP_mutase) | 5 | GLY A 138ALA A 145HIS A 91ILE A 142GLY A 94 | None | 1.14A | 1utdE-3b8iA:undetectable1utdF-3b8iA:undetectable | 1utdE-3b8iA:13.451utdF-3b8iA:13.45 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 3b9g | IAG-NUCLEOSIDEHYDROLASE (Trypanosomavivax) |
PF01156(IU_nuc_hydro) | 5 | GLY A 166ALA A 194THR A 284ILE A 187THR A 295 | None | 1.03A | 1utdE-3b9gA:undetectable1utdF-3b9gA:undetectable | 1utdE-3b9gA:13.111utdF-3b9gA:13.11 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 3bbl | REGULATORY PROTEINOF LACI FAMILY (Chloroflexusaggregans) |
PF13377(Peripla_BP_3) | 5 | GLY A 281ALA A 262THR A 253ILE A 279GLY A 227 | None | 1.10A | 1utdE-3bblA:undetectable1utdF-3bblA:undetectable | 1utdE-3bblA:14.081utdF-3bblA:14.08 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 3bil | PROBABLE LACI-FAMILYTRANSCRIPTIONALREGULATOR (Corynebacteriumglutamicum) |
PF13407(Peripla_BP_4) | 5 | GLY A 274ALA A 174ILE A 291GLY A 187THR A 243 | None | 1.02A | 1utdE-3bilA:undetectable1utdF-3bilA:undetectable | 1utdE-3bilA:12.791utdF-3bilA:12.79 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 3cb5 | FACT COMPLEX SUBUNITSPT16 (Schizosaccharomycespombe) |
PF00557(Peptidase_M24)PF14826(FACT-Spt16_Nlob) | 5 | ALA A 187THR A 426THR A 414ILE A 184GLY A 295 | None | 0.95A | 1utdE-3cb5A:undetectable1utdF-3cb5A:undetectable | 1utdE-3cb5A:9.951utdF-3cb5A:9.95 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 3cdx | SUCCINYLGLUTAMATEDESUCCINYLASE/ASPARTOACYLASE (Rhodobactersphaeroides) |
PF04952(AstE_AspA) | 5 | GLY A 63HIS A 62ILE A 99GLY A 110SER A 126 | None CA A 401 (-3.4A)NoneNoneNone | 1.12A | 1utdE-3cdxA:undetectable1utdF-3cdxA:undetectable | 1utdE-3cdxA:11.681utdF-3cdxA:11.68 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 3fmq | METHIONINEAMINOPEPTIDASE 2 (Encephalitozooncuniculi) |
PF00557(Peptidase_M24) | 5 | GLY A 251ALA A 107THR A 247ILE A 204GLY A 332 | None | 0.98A | 1utdE-3fmqA:undetectable1utdF-3fmqA:undetectable | 1utdE-3fmqA:13.141utdF-3fmqA:13.14 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 3g0o | 3-HYDROXYISOBUTYRATEDEHYDROGENASE (Salmonellaenterica) |
PF03446(NAD_binding_2)PF14833(NAD_binding_11) | 5 | GLY A 10ALA A 21THR A 32ILE A 11GLY A 29 | None | 1.14A | 1utdE-3g0oA:undetectable1utdF-3g0oA:undetectable | 1utdE-3g0oA:11.841utdF-3g0oA:11.84 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 3iwj | PUTATIVEAMINOALDEHYDEDEHYDROGENASE (Pisum sativum) |
PF00171(Aldedh) | 5 | GLY A 363ALA A 352THR A 378ILE A 359GLY A 396 | None | 0.91A | 1utdE-3iwjA:undetectable1utdF-3iwjA:undetectable | 1utdE-3iwjA:10.541utdF-3iwjA:10.54 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 3iwk | AMINOALDEHYDEDEHYDROGENASE (Pisum sativum) |
PF00171(Aldedh) | 5 | GLY A 363ALA A 352THR A 378ILE A 359GLY A 396 | None | 0.90A | 1utdE-3iwkA:undetectable1utdF-3iwkA:undetectable | 1utdE-3iwkA:10.341utdF-3iwkA:10.34 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 3jsk | CYPBP37 PROTEIN (Neurosporacrassa) |
PF01946(Thi4) | 5 | GLY A 86ALA A 94THR A 246ILE A 84SER A 322 | AHZ A 500 (-3.0A)NoneNoneNoneNone | 1.12A | 1utdE-3jskA:undetectable1utdF-3jskA:undetectable | 1utdE-3jskA:13.371utdF-3jskA:13.37 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 3meq | ALCOHOLDEHYDROGENASE,ZINC-CONTAINING (Brucella suis) |
PF00107(ADH_zinc_N)PF08240(ADH_N) | 5 | GLY A 88HIS A 137ALA A 130ILE A 89GLY A 84 | None | 1.05A | 1utdE-3meqA:undetectable1utdF-3meqA:undetectable | 1utdE-3meqA:10.661utdF-3meqA:10.66 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 3out | GLUTAMATE RACEMASE (Francisellatularensis) |
PF01177(Asp_Glu_race) | 5 | HIS A 185THR A 119THR A 116GLY A 182THR A 184 | DGL A 266 ( 4.8A)NoneDGL A 266 ( 3.8A)NoneDGL A 266 (-3.3A) | 1.05A | 1utdE-3outA:undetectable1utdF-3outA:undetectable | 1utdE-3outA:12.831utdF-3outA:12.83 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 3s2g | ZINC-CONTAININGALCOHOLDEHYDROGENASESUPERFAMILY (Cupriaviduspinatubonensis) |
PF00107(ADH_zinc_N)PF08240(ADH_N) | 5 | GLY A 88ALA A 130THR A 116HIS A 65GLY A 64 | NoneNoneNone ZN A 500 ( 3.3A)None | 1.17A | 1utdE-3s2gA:undetectable1utdF-3s2gA:undetectable | 1utdE-3s2gA:11.251utdF-3s2gA:11.25 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 3tox | SHORT CHAINDEHYDROGENASE (Sinorhizobiummeliloti) |
PF13561(adh_short_C2) | 5 | ALA A 124THR A 14ILE A 12GLY A 94SER A 120 | NoneNoneNoneNAP A 601 (-3.2A)None | 0.93A | 1utdE-3toxA:undetectable1utdF-3toxA:undetectable | 1utdE-3toxA:15.711utdF-3toxA:15.71 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 3wpe | TOLL-LIKE RECEPTOR 9 (Bos taurus) |
PF13516(LRR_6)PF13855(LRR_8) | 5 | GLY A 133HIS A 151THR A 152ILE A 134SER A 148 | None | 1.17A | 1utdE-3wpeA:undetectable1utdF-3wpeA:undetectable | 1utdE-3wpeA:7.171utdF-3wpeA:7.17 | ||
Available target for annotated drug, i.e. matched protein structure has more than 30% sequence identity to known drug target. | 3zte | TRYPTOPHAN OPERONRNA-BINDINGATTENUATION PROTEIN(TRAP) (Bacilluslicheniformis) |
PF02081(TrpBP) | 6 | GLY A 23HIS A 34THR A 49HIS A 51THR A 52ILE A 55 | TRP A 80 (-3.5A)TRP A 80 ( 4.9A)TRP A 80 (-2.8A)NoneTRP A 80 (-3.6A)TRP A 80 ( 4.6A) | 0.21A | 1utdE-3zteA:14.51utdF-3zteA:14.3 | 1utdE-3zteA:78.211utdF-3zteA:78.21 | ||
Available target for annotated drug, i.e. matched protein structure has more than 30% sequence identity to known drug target. | 3zzl | TRANSCRIPTIONATTENUATION PROTEINMTRB (Bacillushalodurans) |
PF02081(TrpBP) | 6 | GLY A 23HIS A 34ALA A 46THR A 49HIS A 51THR A 52 | TRP A 81 (-3.5A)TRP A 81 ( 4.7A)TRP A 81 ( 3.7A)TRP A 81 ( 2.9A)NoneTRP A 81 (-3.7A) | 0.22A | 1utdE-3zzlA:13.21utdF-3zzlA:13.2 | 1utdE-3zzlA:71.431utdF-3zzlA:71.43 | ||
Available target for annotated drug, i.e. matched protein structure has more than 30% sequence identity to known drug target. | 3zzq | TRANSCRIPTIONATTENUATION PROTEINMTRB (Bacillussubtilis) |
PF02081(TrpBP) | 6 | GLY A 23HIS A 34ALA A 46THR A 49THR A 52ILE A 55 | TRP A 81 (-3.4A)TRP A 81 ( 4.9A)TRP A 81 ( 3.7A)TRP A 81 ( 2.9A)TRP A 81 (-3.8A)TRP A 81 ( 4.4A) | 0.15A | 1utdE-3zzqA:13.81utdF-3zzqA:13.8 | 1utdE-3zzqA:80.001utdF-3zzqA:80.00 | ||
Available target for annotated drug, i.e. matched protein structure has more than 30% sequence identity to known drug target. | 3zzs | TRANSCRIPTIONATTENUATION PROTEINMTRB (Geobacillusstearothermophilus) |
PF02081(TrpBP) | 7 | GLY A 23HIS A 34ALA A 46THR A 49HIS A 51THR A 52ILE A 55 | TRP A1072 (-3.5A)TRP A1072 ( 4.7A)TRP A1072 ( 3.8A)TRP A1072 (-2.9A)NoneTRP A1072 (-3.8A)TRP A1072 ( 4.4A) | 0.08A | 1utdE-3zzsA:13.81utdF-3zzsA:13.7 | 1utdE-3zzsA:100.001utdF-3zzsA:100.00 | ||
Available target for annotated drug, i.e. matched protein structure has more than 30% sequence identity to known drug target. | 4b27 | TRANSCRIPTIONATTENUATION PROTEINMTRB (Bacillussubtilis) |
PF02081(TrpBP) | 7 | GLY A 23HIS A 34ALA A 46THR A 49HIS A 51THR A 52ILE A 55 | GLY A 23 (-0.0A)HIS A 34 ( 1.0A)ALA A 46 ( 0.0A)THR A 49 (-0.8A)HIS A 51 ( 1.0A)THR A 52 (-0.8A)ILE A 55 ( 0.6A) | 0.16A | 1utdE-4b27A:13.31utdF-4b27A:13.2 | 1utdE-4b27A:76.321utdF-4b27A:76.32 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 4bx9 | VACUOLAR PROTEINSORTING-ASSOCIATEDPROTEIN 33A (Homo sapiens) |
PF00995(Sec1) | 5 | ALA A 500THR A 572THR A 545ILE A 547SER A 504 | None | 1.09A | 1utdE-4bx9A:undetectable1utdF-4bx9A:undetectable | 1utdE-4bx9A:7.911utdF-4bx9A:7.91 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 4cnk | L-AMINO ACID OXIDASE (Streptococcuscristatus) |
PF03486(HI0933_like) | 5 | ALA A 18THR A 29THR A 6ILE A 159GLY A 26 | None | 0.80A | 1utdE-4cnkA:undetectable1utdF-4cnkA:undetectable | 1utdE-4cnkA:12.761utdF-4cnkA:12.76 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 4dal | PUTATIVE ALDEHYDEDEHYDROGENASE (Sinorhizobiummeliloti) |
PF00171(Aldedh) | 5 | GLY A 350ALA A 338THR A 363ILE A 346GLY A 381 | NoneNoneNoneNoneGOL A 600 (-4.6A) | 0.96A | 1utdE-4dalA:undetectable1utdF-4dalA:undetectable | 1utdE-4dalA:9.831utdF-4dalA:9.83 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 4fo7 | METHIONINEAMINOPEPTIDASE (Pseudomonasaeruginosa) |
PF00557(Peptidase_M24) | 5 | GLY A 106HIS A 105THR A 201THR A 236GLY A 171 | NoneNone MN A 301 ( 3.8A)NoneNone | 1.03A | 1utdE-4fo7A:undetectable1utdF-4fo7A:undetectable | 1utdE-4fo7A:15.301utdF-4fo7A:15.30 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 4fuk | METHIONINEAMINOPEPTIDASE (Trypanosomabrucei) |
PF00557(Peptidase_M24) | 5 | GLY A 221HIS A 220THR A 316THR A 351GLY A 286 | NoneNone ZN A 401 ( 3.6A)NoneNone | 1.05A | 1utdE-4fukA:undetectable1utdF-4fukA:undetectable | 1utdE-4fukA:11.941utdF-4fukA:11.94 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 4g3t | OXIDOREDUCTASE DPRE1 (Mycolicibacteriumsmegmatis) |
PF01565(FAD_binding_4)PF04030(ALO) | 5 | GLY A 150HIS A 152HIS A 139ILE A 134GLY A 140 | None | 1.17A | 1utdE-4g3tA:undetectable1utdF-4g3tA:undetectable | 1utdE-4g3tA:12.311utdF-4g3tA:12.31 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 4h1s | 5'-NUCLEOTIDASE (Homo sapiens) |
PF00149(Metallophos)PF02872(5_nucleotid_C) | 5 | GLY A 175ALA A 112HIS A 220ILE A 173GLY A 116 | NoneNone ZN A 602 (-3.3A)NoneNone | 1.13A | 1utdE-4h1sA:undetectable1utdF-4h1sA:undetectable | 1utdE-4h1sA:9.391utdF-4h1sA:9.39 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 4h27 | L-SERINEDEHYDRATASE/L-THREONINE DEAMINASE (Homo sapiens) |
PF00291(PALP) | 5 | GLY A 168ALA A 269THR A 195HIS A 199GLY A 197 | LLP A 41 ( 3.5A)LLP A 41 ( 3.6A)NoneNoneNone | 1.15A | 1utdE-4h27A:undetectable1utdF-4h27A:undetectable | 1utdE-4h27A:13.461utdF-4h27A:13.46 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 4hsu | LYSINE-SPECIFICHISTONE DEMETHYLASE1B (Homo sapiens) |
PF01593(Amino_oxidase)PF04433(SWIRM)PF07496(zf-CW) | 5 | GLY A 389ALA A 397THR A 626ILE A 387SER A 811 | FAD A 901 (-3.3A)NoneNoneNoneNone | 0.94A | 1utdE-4hsuA:undetectable1utdF-4hsuA:undetectable | 1utdE-4hsuA:7.641utdF-4hsuA:7.64 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 4hxx | METHIONINEAMINOPEPTIDASE 1 (Homo sapiens) |
PF00557(Peptidase_M24) | 5 | GLY A 239HIS A 238THR A 334THR A 369GLY A 304 | NoneNone CO A 401 ( 3.6A)NoneNone | 1.02A | 1utdE-4hxxA:undetectable1utdF-4hxxA:undetectable | 1utdE-4hxxA:11.801utdF-4hxxA:11.80 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 4i8p | AMINOALDEHYDEDEHYDROGENASE 1 (Zea mays) |
PF00171(Aldedh) | 5 | GLY A 365ALA A 354THR A 380ILE A 361GLY A 398 | None | 0.96A | 1utdE-4i8pA:undetectable1utdF-4i8pA:undetectable | 1utdE-4i8pA:9.811utdF-4i8pA:9.81 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 4i8q | PUTATIVE BETAINEALDEHYDEDEHYROGENASE (Solanumlycopersicum) |
PF00171(Aldedh) | 5 | GLY A 364ALA A 353THR A 379ILE A 360GLY A 397 | None | 0.91A | 1utdE-4i8qA:undetectable1utdF-4i8qA:undetectable | 1utdE-4i8qA:9.011utdF-4i8qA:9.01 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 4iu6 | METHIONINEAMINOPEPTIDASE 1 (Homo sapiens) |
PF00557(Peptidase_M24) | 5 | GLY A 239HIS A 238THR A 334THR A 369GLY A 304 | NoneNone CO A 401 (-3.5A)NoneNone | 1.02A | 1utdE-4iu6A:undetectable1utdF-4iu6A:undetectable | 1utdE-4iu6A:12.501utdF-4iu6A:12.50 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 4jre | IMMUNOGLOBULINGAMMA-2A, HEAVYCHAIN (Mus musculus) |
PF07654(C1-set)PF07686(V-set) | 5 | GLY B 33ALA B 79THR B 53ILE B 51SER B 77 | None | 1.00A | 1utdE-4jreB:undetectable1utdF-4jreB:undetectable | 1utdE-4jreB:15.891utdF-4jreB:15.89 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 4l1g | PEPTIDOGLYCANN-ACETYLGLUCOSAMINEDEACETYLASE (Bacillus cereus) |
PF01522(Polysacc_deac_1) | 5 | GLY A 129THR A 255HIS A 126THR A 103GLY A 125 | None | 1.13A | 1utdE-4l1gA:undetectable1utdF-4l1gA:undetectable | 1utdE-4l1gA:12.311utdF-4l1gA:12.31 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 4lz6 | BH2163 PROTEIN (Bacillushalodurans) |
PF01554(MatE) | 5 | GLY A 55THR A 129THR A 132ILE A 58SER A 271 | None | 1.08A | 1utdE-4lz6A:undetectable1utdF-4lz6A:undetectable | 1utdE-4lz6A:11.371utdF-4lz6A:11.37 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 4m7g | TRYPSIN-LIKEPROTEASE (Saccharopolysporaerythraea) |
PF00089(Trypsin) | 5 | GLY A 191ALA A 119ILE A 190GLY A 206THR A 174 | None | 0.98A | 1utdE-4m7gA:undetectable1utdF-4m7gA:undetectable | 1utdE-4m7gA:17.161utdF-4m7gA:17.16 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 4mzy | NICOTINATEPHOSPHORIBOSYLTRANSFERASE (Enterococcusfaecalis) |
PF04095(NAPRTase) | 5 | GLY A 174THR A 186THR A 175ILE A 320GLY A 192 | None | 1.02A | 1utdE-4mzyA:undetectable1utdF-4mzyA:undetectable | 1utdE-4mzyA:13.271utdF-4mzyA:13.27 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 4oe6 | DELTA-1-PYRROLINE-5-CARBOXYLATEDEHYDROGENASE,MITOCHONDRIAL (Saccharomycescerevisiae) |
PF00171(Aldedh) | 5 | GLY A 430ALA A 418THR A 443ILE A 426GLY A 461 | None | 1.01A | 1utdE-4oe6A:undetectable1utdF-4oe6A:undetectable | 1utdE-4oe6A:8.981utdF-4oe6A:8.98 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 4ook | METHIONINEAMINOPEPTIDASE 2 (Mycobacteriumtuberculosis) |
PF00557(Peptidase_M24) | 5 | GLY A 141HIS A 140THR A 236THR A 271GLY A 206 | NA A 305 (-3.2A)None CO A 302 (-3.4A) NA A 305 ( 3.9A)None | 0.96A | 1utdE-4ookA:undetectable1utdF-4ookA:undetectable | 1utdE-4ookA:13.691utdF-4ookA:13.69 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 4opu | CONSERVED ARCHAEALPROTEIN (Sulfolobusacidocaldarius) |
PF01266(DAO) | 5 | GLY A 12ALA A 20ILE A 10GLY A 290SER A 307 | FDA A 501 (-3.1A)NoneNoneNoneNone | 1.14A | 1utdE-4opuA:undetectable1utdF-4opuA:undetectable | 1utdE-4opuA:11.001utdF-4opuA:11.00 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 4rjw | PORIN O (Pseudomonasaeruginosa) |
PF07396(Porin_O_P) | 5 | GLY A 248ALA A 297THR A 363ILE A 220GLY A 361 | None | 1.09A | 1utdE-4rjwA:undetectable1utdF-4rjwA:undetectable | 1utdE-4rjwA:11.501utdF-4rjwA:11.50 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 4ure | CYCLOHEXANOLDEHYDROGENASE (Aromatoleumaromaticum) |
PF13561(adh_short_C2) | 5 | GLY A 148THR A 156ILE A 149GLY A 161SER A 141 | None | 1.03A | 1utdE-4ureA:undetectable1utdF-4ureA:undetectable | 1utdE-4ureA:17.321utdF-4ureA:17.32 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 4wxu | MYOCILIN (Homo sapiens) |
PF02191(OLF) | 5 | GLY A 268ALA A 327THR A 290ILE A 288GLY A 375 | None | 1.16A | 1utdE-4wxuA:undetectable1utdF-4wxuA:undetectable | 1utdE-4wxuA:14.781utdF-4wxuA:14.78 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 4yfm | BETA-LACTAMASE (Mycobacteroidesabscessus) |
PF13354(Beta-lactamase2) | 5 | GLY A 272ALA A 279THR A 262ILE A 276GLY A 44 | None | 1.10A | 1utdE-4yfmA:undetectable1utdF-4yfmA:undetectable | 1utdE-4yfmA:15.001utdF-4yfmA:15.00 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 4ygt | UNCHARACTERIZEDPROTEIN YJGB (Bacillussubtilis) |
PF14172(DUF4309) | 5 | GLY A 110ALA A 67HIS A 81ILE A 122GLY A 85 | None | 1.12A | 1utdE-4ygtA:undetectable1utdF-4ygtA:undetectable | 1utdE-4ygtA:20.621utdF-4ygtA:20.62 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 4yra | L-THREONINE3-DEHYDROGENASE,MITOCHONDRIAL (Mus musculus) |
PF01370(Epimerase) | 5 | ALA A 326THR A 236GLY A 172THR A 193SER A 330 | None | 1.06A | 1utdE-4yraA:undetectable1utdF-4yraA:undetectable | 1utdE-4yraA:12.911utdF-4yraA:12.91 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 5a62 | PUTATIVE ALPHA/BETAHYDROLASE FOLDPROTEIN (CandidatusNitrososphaeragargensis) |
PF00561(Abhydrolase_1) | 5 | GLY A 101HIS A 98HIS A 61ILE A 103GLY A 33 | None | 1.09A | 1utdE-5a62A:undetectable1utdF-5a62A:undetectable | 1utdE-5a62A:17.151utdF-5a62A:17.15 | ||
Available target for annotated drug, i.e. matched protein structure has more than 30% sequence identity to known drug target. | 5eex | TRANSCRIPTIONATTENUATION PROTEINMTRB (Geobacillusstearothermophilus) |
PF02081(TrpBP) | 7 | GLY A 23HIS A 34ALA A 46THR A 49HIS A 51THR A 52ILE A 55 | None | 0.10A | 1utdE-5eexA:15.71utdF-5eexA:15.7 | 1utdE-5eexA:100.001utdF-5eexA:100.00 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 5fu7 | CCR4-NOTTRANSCRIPTIONCOMPLEX SUBUNIT 1NANOS, ISOFORM B (Homo sapiens;Drosophilamelanogaster) |
PF04054(Not1)no annotation | 5 | ALA D 124ILE A1895GLY A1951THR A1958SER D 126 | None | 1.15A | 1utdE-5fu7D:undetectable1utdF-5fu7D:undetectable | 1utdE-5fu7D:18.421utdF-5fu7D:18.42 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 5h7w | VENOM5'-NUCLEOTIDASE (Naja atra) |
no annotation | 5 | GLY A 175ALA A 112HIS A 220ILE A 173GLY A 116 | NoneNone ZN A 606 (-3.1A)NoneNone | 1.08A | 1utdE-5h7wA:undetectable1utdF-5h7wA:undetectable | 1utdE-5h7wA:8.881utdF-5h7wA:8.88 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 5hj7 | GLUTAMATE RACEMASE (Mycobacteriumtuberculosis) |
PF01177(Asp_Glu_race) | 5 | HIS A 187THR A 122THR A 119GLY A 184THR A 186 | DGL A 301 ( 4.4A)NoneDGL A 301 (-3.6A)NoneDGL A 301 (-2.9A) | 1.09A | 1utdE-5hj7A:undetectable1utdF-5hj7A:undetectable | 1utdE-5hj7A:16.271utdF-5hj7A:16.27 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 5ijw | GLUTAMATE RACEMASE (Mycolicibacteriumsmegmatis) |
PF01177(Asp_Glu_race) | 5 | HIS A 188THR A 123THR A 120GLY A 185THR A 187 | DGL A 301 (-4.4A)NoneDGL A 301 (-3.5A)NoneDGL A 301 (-3.0A) | 1.09A | 1utdE-5ijwA:undetectable1utdF-5ijwA:undetectable | 1utdE-5ijwA:14.491utdF-5ijwA:14.49 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 5ikl | GERANYL-COACARBOXYLASE,BETA-SUBUNIT (Pseudomonasaeruginosa) |
PF01039(Carboxyl_trans) | 5 | GLY B 378ALA B 423THR B 376GLY B 343THR B 327 | None | 1.05A | 1utdE-5iklB:undetectable1utdF-5iklB:undetectable | 1utdE-5iklB:10.401utdF-5iklB:10.40 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 5l3d | LYSINE-SPECIFICHISTONE DEMETHYLASE1A (Homo sapiens) |
PF01593(Amino_oxidase)PF04433(SWIRM) | 5 | GLY A 285ALA A 293THR A 624ILE A 283SER A 817 | FAD A 901 (-3.3A)NoneNoneNoneNone | 0.92A | 1utdE-5l3dA:undetectable1utdF-5l3dA:undetectable | 1utdE-5l3dA:6.271utdF-5l3dA:6.27 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 5lgc | ARCE4A (Arthrobactersp. AW19M34-1) |
PF01522(Polysacc_deac_1) | 6 | GLY A 80THR A 199HIS A 77THR A 54ILE A 118GLY A 76 | None | 1.08A | 1utdE-5lgcA:undetectable1utdF-5lgcA:undetectable | 1utdE-5lgcA:17.891utdF-5lgcA:17.89 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 5mmh | HTH-TYPETRANSCRIPTIONALACTIVATOR AMPR (Pseudomonasaeruginosa) |
PF03466(LysR_substrate) | 5 | GLY A 154HIS A 153THR A 267THR A 155GLY A 150 | None | 1.08A | 1utdE-5mmhA:undetectable1utdF-5mmhA:undetectable | 1utdE-5mmhA:17.671utdF-5mmhA:17.67 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 5nii | THIOREDOXINREDUCTASE (Desulfovibriovulgaris) |
no annotation | 5 | ALA A 284THR A 256ILE A 105GLY A 249THR A 268 | NoneNoneNoneNone NA A 402 (-3.5A) | 1.15A | 1utdE-5niiA:undetectable1utdF-5niiA:undetectable | 1utdE-5niiA:undetectable1utdF-5niiA:undetectable | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 5o1m | RUBBER OXYGENASE (Streptomycessp. K30) |
PF09995(DUF2236) | 5 | GLY A 172ALA A 180THR A 190ILE A 175SER A 186 | None | 1.17A | 1utdE-5o1mA:undetectable1utdF-5o1mA:undetectable | 1utdE-5o1mA:12.641utdF-5o1mA:12.64 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 5o6y | PEPTIDOGLYCANN-ACETYLGLUCOSAMINEDEACETYLASE (Bacillus cereus) |
no annotation | 5 | GLY B 129THR B 255HIS B 126THR B 103GLY B 125 | None NA B 317 (-3.6A)NoneNoneNone | 1.11A | 1utdE-5o6yB:undetectable1utdF-5o6yB:undetectable | 1utdE-5o6yB:undetectable1utdF-5o6yB:undetectable | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 5u6f | LPXTG-MOTIF CELLWALL ANCHOR DOMAINPROTEIN (Mobiluncusmulieris) |
no annotation | 5 | GLY A 225THR A 278ILE A 269GLY A 22THR A 20 | None | 0.89A | 1utdE-5u6fA:1.91utdF-5u6fA:1.9 | 1utdE-5u6fA:undetectable1utdF-5u6fA:undetectable | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 5ux5 | BIFUNCTIONAL PROTEINPROLINE UTILIZATIONA (PUTA) (Corynebacteriumfreiburgense) |
PF00171(Aldedh)PF01619(Pro_dh) | 5 | GLY A 874ALA A 726THR A 846ILE A 696SER A 724 | NoneNoneNoneNoneSO4 A2003 (-2.4A) | 1.16A | 1utdE-5ux5A:undetectable1utdF-5ux5A:undetectable | 1utdE-5ux5A:5.761utdF-5ux5A:5.76 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 5w16 | GLUTAMATE RACEMASE (Thermusthermophilus) |
no annotation | 5 | HIS A 178THR A 119THR A 116GLY A 175THR A 177 | DGL A 301 ( 3.9A)NoneDGL A 301 (-3.5A)NoneDGL A 301 (-2.9A) | 1.12A | 1utdE-5w16A:undetectable1utdF-5w16A:undetectable | 1utdE-5w16A:undetectable1utdF-5w16A:undetectable | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 5w4c | THIOREDOXINREDUCTASE (Cryptococcusneoformans) |
no annotation | 5 | GLY A 166ALA A 244THR A 161ILE A 167GLY A 248 | None | 0.94A | 1utdE-5w4cA:undetectable1utdF-5w4cA:undetectable | 1utdE-5w4cA:undetectable1utdF-5w4cA:undetectable | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 5x5t | ALPHA-KETOGLUTARICSEMIALDEHYDEDEHYDROGENASE (Azospirillumbrasilense) |
PF00171(Aldedh) | 5 | GLY A 356ALA A 345THR A 369ILE A 352GLY A 387 | None | 0.90A | 1utdE-5x5tA:undetectable1utdF-5x5tA:undetectable | 1utdE-5x5tA:10.441utdF-5x5tA:10.44 | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 5yap | SCYLLO-INOSITOLDEHYDROGENASE WITHL-GLUCOSEDEHYDROGENASEACTIVITY (Paracoccuslaeviglucosivorans) |
no annotation | 5 | GLY A 269HIS A 158ILE A 153GLY A 248THR A 246 | None | 1.10A | 1utdE-5yapA:undetectable1utdF-5yapA:undetectable | 1utdE-5yapA:undetectable1utdF-5yapA:undetectable | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 5ygr | DIAMINOPROPIONATEAMMONIA LYASE (Salmonellaenterica) |
no annotation | 5 | GLY A 126ALA A 133THR A 122THR A 124ILE A 159 | PO4 A 504 (-4.5A)NoneNonePO4 A 504 (-3.6A)None | 1.04A | 1utdE-5ygrA:undetectable1utdF-5ygrA:undetectable | 1utdE-5ygrA:undetectable1utdF-5ygrA:undetectable | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 5zln | TOLL-LIKE RECEPTOR 9 (Mus musculus) |
no annotation | 5 | GLY A 134HIS A 152THR A 153ILE A 135SER A 149 | None | 1.12A | 1utdE-5zlnA:undetectable1utdF-5zlnA:undetectable | 1utdE-5zlnA:undetectable1utdF-5zlnA:undetectable | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 6bld | CYTOCHROME P450268A2 CYP268A2 (Mycobacteriummarinum) |
no annotation | 5 | ALA A 380THR A 165ILE A 133GLY A 261THR A 265 | NoneNoneNoneHEM A 501 (-3.6A)HEM A 501 (-3.8A) | 1.16A | 1utdE-6bldA:undetectable1utdF-6bldA:undetectable | 1utdE-6bldA:undetectable1utdF-6bldA:undetectable | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 6bn2 | ACETYL-COAACETYLTRANSFERASE (Elizabethkingiaanophelis) |
no annotation | 5 | GLY A 30ALA A 255ILE A 34GLY A 351SER A 355 | None | 1.03A | 1utdE-6bn2A:undetectable1utdF-6bn2A:undetectable | 1utdE-6bn2A:undetectable1utdF-6bn2A:undetectable | ||
Potential target for repurposing, i.e. matched protein structure has less than 30% sequence identity to known drug target, and may potentially interact with the same drug molecule based on local structural similarity of binding site. | 6fc0 | EUKARYOTICTRANSLATIONINITIATION FACTOR4E-LIKE PROTEIN (Chaetomiumthermophilum) |
no annotation | 5 | ALA A 239HIS A 233THR A 234GLY A 123THR A 182 | None | 1.00A | 1utdE-6fc0A:undetectable1utdF-6fc0A:undetectable | 1utdE-6fc0A:undetectable1utdF-6fc0A:undetectable |